Reborn, Renamed, Remade

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A few hours after the nurse first came and an hour after the nurse left, Sherlock received a call from Mycroft. The Holmes and his new... son... had mostly been getting to know each other. Or at least things that they enjoyed doing in their free time in Harry's case. Reluctantly, Sherlock answered, knowing it would be important. Harry gave him a curious look, but didn't speak as the elder picked up his mobile.

"Yes, Mycroft?" Sherlock sighed.

"I've spoken to Amelia (Bones) about the situation, and we agree that it's for the best that we don't allow the public to be aware of the situation concerning Mr Potter. As it would cause panic and riots towards his treatment, and we cannot guarantee that it wouldn't split up the already shaky government here."

"I agree, brother. Should we desguise him and change his name, as well? So as to assure that no-one discovers the truth?"

"I believe that would be for the best. He may choose his name, but tell me it the moment you choose it, as it will be needed to complete the process."

"Of course. Is there more for you to tell me? Or are you finished?" Sherlock wanted to get back to speaking with Harry, as they seemed to have a lot in common.

"Almost. Before I end this call, you should know that both Amelia and I shall be visiting your flat at random intervals to ensure that all is settling, well."

"Understood. I'll text you the name momentarily."

"Alright. If you must. Farewell, brother."

"Bye." Sherlock disconnected the call and turned again to the patiently waiting boy.

"Alright." Sherlock clapped his hands together softly. "Mycroft thinks that we should change your name to something cooler. What do you think?"

"Yes!" Harry had been opening up to Sherlock more and more, as they got to know each other better (they both loved the colour blue), "My other name was so normal, what was it again? Harry J...?"

"James Potter," Sherlock finished for him. After all, he had only learnt of his name a few hours ago. "We only need to change the 'harry' part a little bit, as it's normally short for something longer, like Harrison, Harold, Hadrian, or Haraldr. Do you like any of those ones?"

Harry adopted a thoughtful look before deciding, "I like th' last one, it sounds cooler than th' other ones."

They both shared a smile, then Sherlock continued, "Alright then, so do you want to change 'James' into something else, then choose the name that you want to be called, or do you want to keep 'James'?"

Harry cocked his head to the side, and pursed his lips together, "I wanna change 'James' t' somethin' else, and get another name too. James is too boring!"

Sherlock had a small smile on his face at that and nodded, "Okay, so do you know what you want to change it to, or sould I list names for you to choose from?"

"List 'em. And make sure that they're cool!"

Sherlock chuckled, "Of course! How about William?"

Harry mock glared at him, causing Sherlock to smile and put his hands up in surrender, "I'm kidding! How about Salazar, or Severus?"

(I actually know a guy who's last name is Salazar! XD)

"I can't be called Sev'rus, that's your friend's name! Silly!" Harry laughed at him.

Sherlock was surprised that Harry had remembered that, "What about Elwood, or Rowen?"

"Those sounds like tree names." Harry pouted.

"Okay, how about Loki, or Arken?"

"Ooo, those sound real cool... um... I'll choose... er... Arken!" Sherlock and Harry laughed at his indecision.

"Now for the name that we're going to call you. Ready?" Sherlock leaned forward a bit in his seat.

"Yup!" Harry was smiling.

"Okay... What do you think of Cairo, or Emrys?"

"Mm... no."

"Asher? Or Drake?"

Harry shook is head.

"You're a tough one, aren't you?"

Harry grinned, "Yup!"

"Well, I've got a special feeling about these ones- how about Slade, or Zen, or Blythe?"

"I want... umm... Slade!" He looked at Sherlock intently. "What's all my names toget'er?"

"The whole of it would be Haraldr Slade Arken Holmes. Do you like it?"

"Yes! Don' you have t' tell Uncle Myc'oft it too now?" Sherlock nodded and typed on his phone for a moment before he continued, "What does Myc'oft mean?"

Sherlock was slightly surprised at the question but replied quickly. "Mycrof roughly means 'mouth of a stream by a small enclosed field,' and Sherlock means 'fair haired'."

Harry was satisfied before asking, "What does 'Slade' mean?"

Sherlock thought for a moment. "Slade means 'child of the valley,' and considering that you were born in a small valley, the name is rather fitting. Especially since all three of our names come from Old English."

Slade nodded. "D' you think that m' name's too long?"

Sherlock's eyebrows rose, "Of course not. Both Mycroft and I have four words in our names, though your name sounds much more interesting than mine." At Slade's inquisitive look, the elder Holmes elaborated, "Mine Is William Sherlock Scott Holmes. There's only one 'cool' name in it." Sherlock feigned jealousy.

Slade giggled then frowned. "Didn' you say Will'am in th' list for 'James'?"

Slade was once again surprised at the impressed look his new father gave him. Sherlock thought about how much he wasn't going to regret teaching the boy everything he could.

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