An Hour And A Half

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The car drive was mostly spent in silence, both occupants opting to looking out the tinted windows or, in Slade's case, squinting, (I wonder if he needs glasses) and enjoy the country side pass by. They exchanged a few phrases, but for the most part kept to themselves. An hour and half later, they had passed London and arived at a house near the middle of the city. It was a smaller house, so Slade guessed that his uncle lived alone too. After all, if he didn't then he would have a house as big as his relatives' one. It looked nice with clean paint and soft colours. It had one floor and only a few windows.

Uncle Mycroft stepped out of the car and opened Slade's door for him, but stepped aside so Slade could get out on his own. He hopped out and Uncle closed the door for him, leading the small boy to the door and the car drove off without a word. Slade turned around at the sound of the car leaving and noticed that even though they were near the middle of the city, the street was empty. His uncle's lips quirked upward into a small smile and he opened the door.

Both stepped inside and the eldest Holmes turned on the lights and closed the door behind himself. "This, as you might have guessed is my house," He led them down the hallway and into a large room, "This is the main sitting room, to the right is the kitchen, and the bathroom." He pointed to the door on the right wall, the kitchen, and the door against the wall where the hallway ended, the bathroom.

"To the right are the bedrooms, encluding my room and the guest room, which will be yours." The door parallel to the kitchen was his uncle's and the one by the hallway was pointed out as his own (he loved that he was getting his own room!).

"That is the dining room, no food is allowed outside of that room and the kitchen, and then there is the study, which is the only room you cannot go in." Mycroft pointed to the rooms opposite the bathroom, the one towards the right was the dining room, and the one near the bedrooms was the study.

There was a table with a television placed in between the two doors, across from the hallway with two comfy looking chairs and a coffee table inbetween them. a small grand piano was tucked into the corner between the dining room and the kitchen.

Slade gave a small smile and whispered, "I knew it."

Mycroft looked down at him, "Knew what?"

Slade blushed a little bit, "Oh, when we got here I jus' guessed tha' you was here all by yourself." He looked down at the floor, slightly nervous about what his uncle thought aboout him.

Mycroft's eyebrows went up a bit and cocked his head to the side, did he undrestimate someone? That hadn't happened in years. Nevermind that he was a child, Mycroft knew that he was going to be great one day. He knew that it was foolish to put this kind of faith in a boy, but a three-year-old already making deductions? Even he didn't start that early, and he had the help of his mother when he started.

"I'm impressed, most people don't think like you do."

Slade's head shot up at the compliment, a beaming smile on his face, "Thank you."

Mycroft inclined his head, "I'm only stating the obvious, you have a lot of potential."

If it was possible, Slade's smile grew even bigger. Mycroft smiled and walked over to the boy's room, opening the door. "I'm afraid that I didn't know what you liked, but I put some clothes in the drawers that should be your size, and a few books on the shelf, as my brother told me that you like to read." Slade nodded. "Good, I encluded a children's dictionary in case you didn't know what a word meant."

"What's a di'tionary?"

Mycroft's eyes shone with amusement, "It's a book with every word in it, and it says what the word means. It's in alphabetical order, meaning that it starts at 'A,' and ends at 'Z.' Do you have any questions?"

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