Of Cereal And Doctors

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Slade was woken up earlier than normal, that is to say, he woke up at the average time as when he was with his relatives, but earlier than Uncle Mycroft permits for 'a child his age.'

As he got ready for the day in the trousers and t-shirt that his amazing uncle bought for him. Slade was still surprised at the huge lack of work that he was required to do, because besides the little messes he makes, the only chores he's had to do was fix up meals, which Uncle Mycroft always did with him. He absently wondered if he would be expected to do more or less when he lived with Sherlock.

He made his bed then headed out to the kitchen to help with breakfast. Today they were having cereal. Slade took out the spoons and the bowls and brought them out to the table in the dining room, while Mycroft took out the different cereals he had and the milk.

"Do you want Coco Pops, Shreddies, or Cookie Crisps?" Mycroft inquired faux formally.

"Th' Coco Pops, please," He replied in kind. Mycroft poured the cereal until it filled half the bowl, and then poured the milk. Slade noted that his uncle ate the Cookie Crisps, and ended up eating two full bowls. After they put the dishes in the sink, to be done later, aparently. Today they were going to the hospital to get his cast removed, and Sherlock was going to pick him up from there. The street was empty again when they walked up, and the drive was only a few minutes this time, since they weren't going all the way out to Surry.

Slade was a bit nervous about the process of getting the cast off, but Uncle Mycroft helped him stay calm by telling him stories of things he and Sherlock would do when they were little, like playing pirates and skipping stones at the lake.

The process was a bit longer than he would have liked, but he didn't complain. Soon enough they were free to go and as they walked into the lobby Sherlock entred through the main doors. Sherlock smiled at Slade reassuringly and walked up to them. Sherlock looked like he would have liked to hug him, but reframed himself.

"Sherlock," Mycroft greeted cordially.

"Brother Mine. I trust that nothing too harrowing occurred while he was in your charge?" Sherlock rose an eyebrow.

Mycroft did likewise, and said, "What do you think would've happened? A kidnapping and ransom note? No, that's more your style; far too dramatic for me."

Sherlock scoffed and addressed Slade, "Now, how boring was it really?"

The boy giggled at their antics and said, "It wasn' boring! Uncle Myc'oft 'elped me read and play th' piano and play pirates and have lots of fun!"

Sherlock looked incredulously at his brother, "He did?"

Not noticing the difference in his stature, Slade replied, "Yup!"

Sherlock hummed while Mycroft looked at him challengingly, as though daring him to deny his capacity for fun. Pulling himself from the moment, Sherlock turned again to Slade, "You ready to head over to my place now?"

"Mhm, but will I get t' play with him again soon?" Slade looked at Sherlock with what could only be called the eyes of a kicked kitten, rendering it impossible for Sherlock to say no.

"Mmmm... Okay, fine, fine."

"Yay!" Slade jumped up in the air.

"But only on the weekends." His joy slightly diminished, but he was still beaming up at him.

Sherlock looked questioningly at Mycroft. "In suppose I could spare a few hours every other week."

That was good enough for Slade, who whooped again.

"Okay, okay. That's enough family bonding for me, let's get you in the car, okay?" Sherlock led Slade to the taxi that was outside the hospital waiting for them.

Right as he was about to crawl in, Slade ran up to Mycroft and gave him a brief hug and said, "Thanks f'r letting me stay with you, Uncle Myc'oft." Before he ran to the car, embarrassed and shocking the brothers.

Before Sherlock could get in after him, Mycroft took hold of his arm, restraining him. "What? What is it?"

Mycroft hesitated, which said a lot about the importance of what he needed to say. Sherlock straightened, instantly becoming more serious, "What happened?"

He glanced at the car, towards Slade, before speaking in a low voice, "Last night, Slade had a nightmare; a rather loud one. He didn't tell me what it was about, but I suspect that it had to do with what he faced earlier, with his relatives." He all but spat the word out. "Be sure not to ever get cross with him, and don't let him work too hard; I'm sure that he'd've cleaned your flat for you if you didn't already."

Sherlock nodded solemnly to his older brother, "Duly noted."

"Good, and Amelia will be visiting you the day after next. Make sure you remember, and until you find a way to make money while not leaving Slade alone, I will be depositing a sufficient amount that you will be needing on a monthly basis."

Sherlock looked reluctant to accepting any help, but agreed nonetheless, and got into the car. Slade waved vigourously at his uncle until the turn cut him out of vision, while Mycroft waved more professionally.

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