Wait, What?

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Abus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. He was very well known in his community as a kind, wise, powerful, and intelligent old man. Contrary to popular belief however, he often didn't think through half the thinks he did until the moment passed.

Take the last out-door ten-pin bowling competition he went to for example. He just had a hitch that he should bring his turquoise rainboots and rainbow patterned umbrella and wouldn't you know it? It started raining not thirty minutes after he arrived.

Of course, during more important matters, he did indeed use all of his genius to use. Like when he faced Gillert Grindelwald all those years ago. Too much thought went into that. And too much heart left behind.

Therefore, when he left young Harry Potter with his aunt and uncle, as much thought was put into it as he could during those few hours.

Sirius Black had firecalled about the Potters death, Voldemort's disappearence, and the discovery of Harry's survival, sounding like he was about to break down, Albus's mind threw itself into overdrive. He knew that Sirius whould be in no state to raise a child for at least a week due to the loss of his best (first) friends. He also knew that the Ministry would never allow a werewolf to take care of the boy and Peter would be in no better state than Sirius.

Petunia and Lily hadn't been close in years, if the way their exchanged letters were of any indecation. She sadly wouldn't be as affected by the death, but would be able to love Harry, as he knew she still loved her sister. She also knew of all the dangers he would be in now that the Death Eater's leader was banished.

Sirius had told him that Harry had strange lightning bolt shaped scar on the middle of his forehead, which Albus suspected to be a curse scar. Severus had told him that he had requested Lily's survival from the Dark Lord, had Tom really honored his word and offered Lily the ability to live? It wasn't impossible. Just extremely unlikely. If so, that would explain why Harry was still alive and the Potters were not; the ancient mind magic being activated.

The reason that only Lily's sacrifice would have worked was that only she was able to come out of it and live. James's died for his wife and son, but wasn't given the chance to leave and live, he died fighting like many other great people did. Lily was given the chance to live but willingly sacrificed herself for her son to live, effectively protecting him from the dangers he was to face.

He had gone to the Ministry to get a warrent to place wards on the house and set about placing spells on an envelope that would switch to the nearest building when opened. He included Anti-Apperation wards and a special spell he invented that would cause a small object to spin if someone with a Dark Mark came within 50 metres from the house. There was also a charm that would make four different orbs in his office (one for each of the Dursleys and Harry) poof smoke that was either red or blue; red for severely injured or dead, and blue for healthy and safe. There wasn't much he could do though, as Harry needed Guardianship as soon as possible and he couldn't hang out with Hagrid for the next few years.

After a few stressful hours, he was sure that the family would be safe for at least a while before Sirius would be ready to take care of them.

Or that was what was going to happen until a few minutes later. Albus had realised that he had made Sirius the Secret Keeper and either he was the spy they had been looking for or had been he Imperiused, though Sirius' strong will was leaning towards the former. Either way though, Harry wouldn't be safe staying with him and would need to stay with his relatives indefinately. Explaining this in the letter he had just finished, Albus left in the dark of night to meet Hagrid outside the house and depositing the baby at the house.

Not even a fortnight later, Sirius Black was arrested and sent to Azkaban because of the murder of three of his supposed friends and thirteen muggles. Albus sent another letter to the Dursleys explaining that Harry would be living with them until he was finished with schooling, but received no reply as confermation. As a result, he requested that his friend Arabella Figg watch over the family when avaliable. It took a couple of weeks, but Arabella managed to move only a few streets away from the Dursley's house. After a visit to Petunia, as the new neighbour in the block, he found out that the boy was indeed healthy, even if a bit quiet and weary. Though that was likely from the complete change of environment and loss of familiar faces.

Arabella was only able to check on the family for special occasions, holidays, or whenever they needed a baby sitter, but her reports of Harry were very sure, and descripted that he seemed like he was always upset and nervous around everyone. His clothes were a bit big on him, too. Though it was not unusual for some children to be skittish around new people, or ones that they weren't very familliar with.

The next two years passed relatively smoothly. Or as soothly as a community can after a war and far too many deaths. Albus still received is reports from Arabella every month or so, and he was still going to tiring meetings out of the country every few months and basicly running the Magical Ministry, making sure that the new Minister for Magic didn't mess anything up, or cause mass panic.

After this last meeting, however, when he got his usual letter from Arabella (dated from the week previous), he wasn't sure whether he was reading the correct letter. Surely this couldn't be true? The whole family murdered? No, wait. He frantically read the rest of the letter. Then read it again.

The Dursleys were murdured. Harry was reported missing. Scratch that, he wasn't even mentioned on any paper. Arabella had taken a few of her cats on the usual Saturday morning walk walk when she saw a group of cars and people bustling around the house. She saw a black car with tinted windows drive up to and away from the house by the time she got there; she was too far away to see anything but the top of a dark-haired head get in. She spoke to a young Sergeant with dark hair who was previously staring out at the departed car. She had managed to gleam from him that the Dursleys had been killed and their nephew had been taken away in the car. Before she could get anything else though, she heard the telltale 'crack' of Apparation and left the scene as quickly as possible. Extrodinarily luckily, no one had seen her.

Perched behind a brick wall at the side of the corner house, Arabella witnessed the arival of nearly a dozen wizards, all cloaked in dark uniforms without identification. The Sergeant span on the spot, looking for where she went, but thankfully didn't catch her. The men instantly Obliviated all the surrounding officers and then moved into the surrounding houses. One of the men, however, stayed behind and spoke with the only muggle that wasn't Obliviated, the Sergeant that she had spoken to.

They spoke for only a few moments, though they both seemed to hear what they wanted, because soon all the wizards grouped together around the two men. The wizard gave a paper to the officer then raised his hand to his fellows. They all stood at attention in ranks and not three seconds later, Apparated away at the exact same time.

Arabella immediatly left for her house before the discombobulated officers could gain their bearings. She waited two days before she went outside again and saw a 'For Sale' sign on the Dursley's old property.

She went to a few of the neighbours' houses and questioned the people inside. Most of the had gained the idea that the Dursleys had moved away from the house nearly a week ago and two of the neighbours distinctly remembered helping the family pack and load the truck.

The wizards were clearly part of an elite group; but who did they work for?

This was a terrifical problem.

Harry James Potter was just essentially kidnapped from his murdered relatives' house. And has been for a week. The first thing he had done upon receiving the letter was casting a tracking charm. Then another. And another. He used every trakcing spell he knew and all of them came up blank. Though it wasn't very difficult to use the counter wards, not many people knew of them, nor thought about that someone can follow your every movememt with a wave of their hand. Though that was nearly the whole point of magic for some wizards.

Albus turned to Fawkes, "Will you go look for young Harry, please?"

The mythical bird gave something akin to nod and swoopped through the open window of the ancient castle. Albus looked at the gadgets that he had around his room, particularily the orbs he had gotten years ago. Three red, and one blue. There was at least that. And if anyone could find the boy, it would be Fawkes.

There was very little that he could do for searching, as he had very little influence over the muggle world. However, there was one person, a past student, that might be able to help him there. It was time to pay Mycroft Holmes a little visit.

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