"running errands"

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y'all ready for this shitty ass book. i know y'all dirty hoes aren't ready. get ready for you're eyes to be gauged out...

so here y'all go


the shittiest book you will ever read

it was the 19th of June, 2018. it was park jimin's and jeon jungkook's wedding day. they have been waiting for this day to happen for the longest time. jimin had proposed to jungkook two years ago.

flashback :

'hey jungkook. i need you do to me a huge favor. i need you to run some errands. here's the list...

1) pick up groceries
2) pick up dry clean
3) clean the room

...i'm sorry if that's a lot to handle baby, but i have work today and i don't have time to do it. i'm sorry that i'm making you do all those things by yourself. it doesn't mean i love you any less. i will make it up to you..i promise. love you ;)

"he's making me work. i thought that's what mr. kim is for?" jungkook asked puzzled "i might as well get to work"

jungkook finally decided to get work after a half an hour of watching a k-drama. it wasn't long before he had completed everything on the list. it took him about the whole day.

at the end of it all, he decided to go his frozen yogurt shop that was just down the street. him and jimin had always gone there for little dates like their anniversary's or celebrating their birthdays.

he had grabbed jimin's white mercedes car keys, and left. once he arrived there he got his 'special'. Half strawberry, & the other chocolate. he never got toppings because he thought they were useless. what's the point?

his legs had gotten to tired from running errands so he decided to sit down at one of the tables. this was the table him and jimin had sat at everytime they came.

when jungkook sat down, he saw a purple sticky note that had writing on it saying,

'hey baby. i knew you would be tired from running errands all day, and needed a break. i automatically knew you would come here. after you finish up your chocolate and strawberry yogurt, come to my office. there you will maybe see me. you'll have to find out. love you ;)

"what is this all about?" jungkook mumbled to himself so no one around would hear.

jungkook sighed and finished his desert. he grabbed "his" car keys and drove to jimin's office.

since jimin was a performer, he didn't really have an office, but he did have a office in his dance studio. it's where he did all of his work and stuff like that. it's about a half hour drive from the frozen yogurt shop. it took awhile.

during the drive, jungkook had been thinking about the first time jimin had took him to the studio. he had fallen asleep on the way there then jimin had to wake him up. then of course, he got a huge "you know what" right in front of him. jimin had then 'fixed it' in thekst suductively way. it was the best moment for him. he was so lucky to have jimin.

jungkook had finally arrived at the studio. he exited the car and locked it. he opened the door to jimin's studio and walked in. the 5 boys that were always there were practicing their dances, minding their own business. one of them had noticed jungkook walk in. hoseok.

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