i wish you goodluck

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beware of shit

jimin pov

my eyes widened. i couldn't believe my ears. i didn't know if i was dreaming or if it was reality. i've never heard of a man that could have a child. i mean, it would be different, but physically impossible. i looked into space, also known as jungkook's swollen eyes from the minutes of him crying. i was shook out of my trance as he waved his hand in front of my face "j-jimin?" seeing him frightened is my worst nightmare. i tried to not scare him but it was difficult because i was gonna have a child. i looked up at the boy that was clutching at his stomach and now screaming. he ran out of the room and slammed the door behind. i didn't even go after him. i sat on the ground feeling horrible about myself. i knew he was in trouble, but i didn't even care to help. i knew he needed someone to be with him. he probably hates me.


that's a strong word to use. he's never hated me. we always have had the best relationship ever. i realized that when I first met him. i just wanted to make him mine the first day i saw him. but now i regret it. i just gave him a baby. that wasn't supposed to happen. bow he's gonna have to quit school to raise a baby with a person that gave him this karma in the first place. i felt bad. horrible you may say. "stop fucking overreacting! it's a fucking baby! a human! you created that baby and put it inside of jungkook for a goddamn reason you little shit! stop being an idiot!" my inner thoughts kept cursing me out telling me out telling me to stop overreacting and go run after jungkook. to apologise to him for acting this way. i wanted to so badly, but my eyes wouldn't leave the wall. it's was as if the world was on my shoulders and i was the only one carrying everything that existed.

i didn't realized what i have done, but i did realize was that i fucked up.

jungkook was on the floor in pain. he stomach was turning and his eyes were a crimson red. he had never felt this pain before, but he knew he didn't like it. he had a kitchen knife in his left hand. it was placed over his right wrist. once the cold metal came in touch with his wrist, it sent a shiver of concern down his spine. "don't do this jungkook...you have some many things to live for" his good side told him. on the other hand, his bad side spoke "do it. cut yourself. jimin doesn't love you anymore. he never did. he didn't even except that fact that you are carrying his baby. do it!!" he was having a mental battle with himself as his light tears flowed like a river bed. he was about to slice the knife through his soft skin when a hand took the knife and threw it across the room "why would you do that?!" he screamed as he saw jimin standing tall and proud in front of him. he crawled over to the knife but if was kicked farther away by his husband's foot "look at me" jimin spoke softly as he knelt down eye to eye with jungkook. jungkook was stunning in his own eyes. even if he had been crying for hours, he wouldn't love him any less "why would you even think about doing that to yourself sweetie?" jungkook cried even more. for jimin, it was sign that he didn't want to talk. jimin grasped jungkook's wrist when he reached for the knife again "you don't care! when i told you i was carrying your baby, you didn't even fucking answer!" jungkook screamed as he reached for the knife; jimin in return kicked it farther away.

jimin picked jungkook up off the floor and carried him to the sofa. jungkook screamed as he kicked and pucnched until he realized that he was carrying a fucking baby. he stopped and was placed on the soft cushioned furniture. he looked down and threw a pillow at jimin who, with fast reflects, ducked before it could hit him "saw that coming" his inner thoughts told him. he held jungkook's hands in his own and stared into his eyes "one; i will always care about you no matter what, two; don't kill yourself, it's not worth it, three; you carrying our baby is the best thing that could ever happen to me and I can't wait to raise it with you" jungkook's heart flipped by the words that came out of his husband's mouth. he had never heard anything better. how smooth his voice was. just like honey. and the softness in it like he was the only one living and no one else was apart of the youngers' world...except him. jungkook smiled and looked at his toes. he fiddled his fingers inside of jimin's hand "how many weeks did the doctor say you were?" jimin spoke "3 weeks. the doctor i'm gonna have contractions 5 times a month. there going to be less painful for the first 2 months but he told me that there unexpected and could get more painful" jungkook cried. he could hold it in anymore. he fell onto jimin shoulder and bawled. jimin comforted by tracing his palm in circles on the olders back "it's ok baby i'll be here for you...."

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