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  "What the hell are you doing, Y/n?" I mumbled to myself. My hand ran down my face, and I wondered what even convinced me to come here.

  I answered my own question as I immediately thought back to the magazine article I saw in the grocery store. The headline was imprinted in my mind. 'Moving on already? Shawn Mendes Has Hot Date Night With Beautiful Mystery Girl.'

  Now, a heated car ride and an entire bottle of liquor later, here I was. Standing in front of his apartment door. A part of me was trying to convince myself to go home. I was better than this. The other part of me, however, was screaming for me to go in there and yell at him. I wasn't sure what for, we broke up. He was free to do whatever he wanted.

  Then why did I care so much?

  I sighed and decided that it wasn't worth it, and that I was gonna go home. But instead of turning around and walking away, my hand reached up and knocked on the door three times.

  "Why did I just do that?" I began to panic. Should I just stand there? Should I run away?

  "Shit, shit, sh-Shawn, hi." The door flying open caught me off guard. I froze like a deer in headlights. His expression matched mine, surprised with a mix of panicked.

  "Y/n? What are you doing here?"

  I shrugged. "I don't know if I can answer that question myself." A hiccup slipped past my lips. It made me giggle.

  "You're drunk." He sighed. I shook my head vigorously.

  "I don't think so, but i'm not really in control of my actions."

  He let out a soft chuckle. "You never could handle your liquor. Come in." He stepped aside, allowing me to glance into the familiar household. His girlfriend must've not been here.

  I hesitated. "I really should be getting home." I held my hand up to my forehead, realizing I made a mistake. "I don't even know why I came. Have a good night, Shawn." I turned around, only walking a few steps before he stopped me.

  "Y/n wait." I turned around and looked at him. I was suddenly hit with a feeling that I couldn't describe. Whatever it was, it came in waves. Looking into his eyes made me feel weak.

  "I can't let you drive home drunk. Come on, I'll make you some coffee."

  'No, y/n. Go home!' My consciousness was screaming at me, but the liquor was telling me something else.



  "Here you go." He handed me the steaming mug and sat on the opposite end of the sofa. "Just the way you like it-"

  "With a shitload of sugar." We said in unison. We looked at each other and began to laugh. I enjoyed the nostalgic feeling, but it didn't last long. I remembered why I was here.

  "Should I ask why you're here?" He said it as if he could read my mind. I tried to think of a lie, but how does one explain why they showed up at their ex's house drunk in the middle of the night? I was a mess. A drunk, jealous mess.

  "Who is she?" My body tensed up as the words poured out of my mouth without my consent.

  "Huh?" He cocked his head to the side, making me feel crazy.

  "The girl, Shawn. The one that was in your arms smiling. Who is she?" I sat the mug on the coffee table, desperate to hear his answer.

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