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"Here," you announced. "Uhh...this is my dorm. Lovely, isn't it?" you added sarcastically. You made your unceremonious entrance into your room to lay some things down on your table. You were still clutching onto the item Kokichi had violently thrown at you when you walked inside, but he had insisted on going to your room first. His reason was because he wanted to check the place out, but you didn't really find your room to be very interesting anyway.

"Woooooow! What pretty colors you got!!" You looked around at all the blue and purple in the theme, and shrugged humbly.

"I'd guess that all of the other dorms are specially colored as well?"

"Mmm... Actually, as far as I'm aware of they aren't. Mine isn't, at least," Kokichi said disappointedly. You bit your nail awkwardly for a moment.

"Uhh, here. I can just give this to you and you can go back to your own room, if you'd like." You handed it over to him. "Still, I think this is a bit weird from you..." you mumbled. "I'll be honest. I've never seen you to be the type of person to give stuff away to others regularly." You didn't mind to bring up his own gift to you.

Kokichi shrugged. "So what? I think it's fine." He grabbed your arm and lead you into his dorm, where he put everything down on his own desk that he had.

"I guess." You sighed, not really knowing what to do. You then realized that you were in the male's room, for some reason. Either he must have forced me here or I started walking out of instinct... Still though, I should probably get out of here. "Oh hey, should I leave now? Or...what? Something you need me to do...?" The boy just hummed, as if he were actually thinking about it; you tilted your head at him.

"Do whatever you want."

"Okay..." You were quite conflicted and confused at that point. What games are you exactly trying to play, Kokichi? He was just staring you and your every moment with a blank face. Deciding to attempt in some small talk you asked, "Do you remember anything about your life before we got here?"

The leader murmured something, at which you tilted your head at. "Why do you want to know?" you heard him quietly repeat. "It isn't anything important." The demeanor around him changed, but you couldn't find the exact words to correctly describe it.

"Hey, is something wrong...? You're acting different than normal, and it's a bit weird..." you whispered. You weren't quite sure how, for he was doing nothing, but your figurative walls of an almost calm and serious front were slowly cracking. Your nervousness soon turned into a small flicker of fear.

"Are we friends?" he suddenly asked.


"It's just. As. I. Asked."

"Agh...!" you groaned, as your back fiercely met with a wall within a mere second. Your eyes had closed on instant, but upon opening them back up you instantly wished that you hadn't. "Why. . . ?" Kokichi was looking down over your shrunken body, which he held up to his dorm wall. He had a strong grip on your wrists, pinning them up against the wall as well. He was way too close for any comfort; you could feel his soft breaths on your skin.

"Get away... Get away..." you muttered defenselessly. He only inched closer to you, how ever that was possible.

"Do you trust me, (Y/N)? Sweetheart," Kokichi spoke. His grip on you tightened, making everything from your wrist and up begin to grow numb. Now what am I supposed to say to this? You couldn't run, you couldn't hide, and yet you didn't want to call out for help.

"...It's hard...to entirely figure that out...yet..." you stammered. "But...please." You had such little pride that you could barely keep, so you didn't go as far as to beg to be let free. Instead, a simple 'please' would have to do. Besides, it took up less of the breath that you were getting during the situation. You gulped nervously. The male's gaze seemed to struggle a bit in keeping a steady eye contact with you.

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now