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So this is a new floor, huh? Third floor...

"Nyahaha!" a high pitched voice sounded. "So you haven't been killed!"

"No...I haven't, yet."

"Well, you never know! 'Cause I always see you sneaking around, and you tend to hang out with Kokichi a bit!"


"Atua says that he has some things up his sleeves... But, but we can set that aside for now! My research lab just opened up, and I wanna use somebody as a reference! You just so happen to be around, so I'll use you."

"W-Wha—?" You felt Angie grab your hand start dragging you somewhere.

"Praise be to Atua for granting me such an amazing room..."

"You do know Monokuma designed these places, right?"

"I know, I know. Praise be to Atua for letting Monokuma supply my lab thoroughly! It has all my favorite painting supplies, there's wood and wax for me to carve with, and the doors even have locks... I wonder how Monokuma knew all of this, hm?"

"If Monokuma was able to trap all of us inside a school and manipulate our minds to want to kill, then collecting information about all of us should be a breeze..."

"Uhh, anyway... I wanna test the wax out. I'm gonna carve you, okay?" Her voice was as chipper as always. You waited for a second until you felt her hands on one of your arms.

"Angie, what are you doing?" you questioned, already starting to get nervous.

"I'm feeling your body so I can get the shapes and proportions right! ...Whaaat, is something wrong?"

"Yes, there is something definitely wrong! If you keep going on like this then you might eventually wander over to places that are not supposed to be touched...!!" You involuntarily flushed ever so slightly.

"Don't worry~ Atua would shame me if I ever touched those places...but He is telling me that perhaps I shouldn't do any wax carvings for now. How about I paint you!?"

"...Sure, whatever..."

"Nyahaha! Atua thanks you for your cooperation! Now if you can sit down on this stool that I'm bringing over and stay still then that would be mighty helpful!"

"Uh, okay..." You felt around, feeling the stool that she was talking about and sitting down on it. "Is...this alright?"

"Mmhmm! Absolutely fine!" You heard Angie rush around the room, presumably to gather all her paints and a canvas. You heard her start to paint so you stayed quiet, figuring it would be best for her to work in peaceful silence. "...Hey, Atua would like to ask you a question."

"...Oh yeah?"

"Why are you always acting so suspicious?"

"W...What are you talking about?"

"You're always sneaking around. Like when Shuichi was looking for where to use the new items, you left without much of a warning! So far during our trials, you've managed to make your place on the suspect list! You also tend to be very quiet, too." Angie's tone was a bit unsettling for you.

"I don't do this on purpose...!"

"Hmmm...are you suuuuure?"

"Yes, I'm positive! I'm not up to anything I swear!" Your voice had risen tremendously from its normal cool tone. "You wouldn't understand anything about me!"

"Of course Angie can't, but Atua can! You see, Atua is in Angie's body right now, since the body of Angie is merely His vessel to use when it comes to art. And Atua knows everything!"

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now