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Everyone had exited the courtroom. At that point, nighttime had spread over the land with its blanket of darkness. You personally wanted to head straight to your dorm and collapse.

"For now...we should rest," Kiibo spoke. "To me, that seems the most rational course of action."

"Yeah..." Himiko mumbled. "My brain's outta juice from going full-throttle all day."

"Like you even have a brain to use!" Miu groaned.

"Anyway, this killing game is over! I won't allow it to go on!" Tenko yelled in determination.

"It'll be fine. As long as we listen to Atua, we'll all be just fine."


"What's wrong, Gonta? Why're you staring up at the sky?" Tsumugi asked the entomologist.

"It's just...even when all this bad stuff happens, stars are always so pretty. But stars here different. Not the same ones Gonta used to."

"Different? Do you mean...the position of the stars?" Shuichi inquired.

"Yeah... Gonta looking, but no can find star he remembers. But...why? Were we taken somewhere far away?" Far away? Hm, maybe...

"Hey, let's all head back already. I'm wiped out," Kaito announced.

"Oh, hold on," Kokichi suddenly spoke up. "I have to tell you guys something."

"What now? Like I said, I'm wiped out."

"Now now, it won't take that long, so just listen to what I have to say." Kokichi put on a weird grin and slanted his eyes. The convenient shadowing cast upon his figure gave him a creepy and unsettling vibe.

"Well then? What is it?" Korekiyo questioned the boy.

"Everyone seems to be treating me as some kinda compulsive liar... But that's ridiculous! There's a way worse liar than me in our group!"

"A liar worse than you?" Shuichi repeated quizzically.

". . . I'm talking about Maki." Kokichi had an even creepier smile on. Mischief and deceit. It was something that you've never seen before.


"What do you mean, Maki's a liar?"

"Maki admitted it during the class trial, remember? Ryoma wanted her to show him his motive video 'cause he was looking for a reason to live. But that wasn't the whole story... Ryoma was blackmailing you, wasn't he, Maki?"

"B-Blackmail?" Kiibo repeated.

"Ryoma just so happened to discover Maki's true identity. So he used that to blackmail her. I bet he said something like... 'If you don't show my my motive video, I'll tell everyone what you really are.' That's why Maki didn't want us to know she met with Ryoma." Kokichi smirked evilly. "She wanted to keep her true identity a secret! That's why she kept quiet until the last minute!"

"Wh-Why you... What sh*t are you making up now? Maki's true identity? What—"

"Nishishi, I've known Maki's true identity the whole time."

Maki's red eyes seemed to glow with pure hatred. In just the next second, she had Kokichi in her grip. By looking at her hand, you would easily be able to tell that she had a lock-strong hold on his pale neck. Your instincts forced you to rush towards the two and do something, but before you could intervene, Kaito and Shuichi pulled you back.

"...Gh!" The boy wriggled a bit from where he was held. "Y-Y'know...th-this is an interesting t-turn of events... B-But, would you really...k-kill me in front of everyone...?"

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now