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"Aren't we just beyond the wavy line on the map?" Shuichi asked once you had crossed.

"You'll find out if you keep goin' forward," Miu replied. "Why don't you go check it out?"

You walked forward with everyone else. It seemed like everything faded out for a moment until the world reappeared, but you were standing farther along the path. You noticed everyone looking around at each other in confusion.

"Wh-What was that!?" Himiko questioned. "What just happened!?"

"It's as if the world itself switched over..." Kiibo commented.

"Could it be...loading?" Tsumugi wondered.

"Correct!" Miu chirped. "I mean, uh...erect!"

"Umm, you said the right word the first time."

"Anyway, Four-Eyes is right..." the inventor continued. "You all just passed through the map loading point. In some games, if you go in a building, it'll take a moment for the inside to fully load. Well, the outside is like that too, 'cause the Virtual World is divided into two large maps. That wavy line represents where the two maps meet. Think of these two maps as if they're two different rooms. In the same way you have to go through a door to move between two rooms, to move between the two maps, you have to pass through the map loading point."

"Hm... So would that be the reason as to why we can't see past that point in the binoculars on the roof?" you asked.

"Obviously, you can't see what's inside one room when you're standing inside the other."

"Ooohh, a map loading point," Kokichi chimed. He then walked through the loading point and back, repeating this a few times. "Ah-haha, how fun. So not only does your sight get cut off, but sound cuts off, too."

"Yeah, you can't hear anything at all while you're inside the map loading point," Miu told him.

"Got it!" He looked down. "But now I don't feel so well... I need someone to take care of me." You just barely managed to catch him glance at you.

"...It won't be me," Maki spoke in her cold tone.

"I wasn't asking you," Kokichi scoffed. "So, anyway...the chapel is over here, right? Well, I'm gonna go on ahead theeeen." He started to walk away.

"Hey, don't just go on ahead!" Kaito yelled after him. "I don't trust you being off alone by yourself!"

"I've got Gonta," he shouted over his shoulder. Then he turned. "It's not like I'll be alone for that long. You all are coming, right? But if it really bothers you all... Eenie, meanie, miney, moo, I choose you! Let's go." He pointed at you and continued to walk towards the chapel.

"M-Me?" you asked, stuttering a bit. You thought that you could feel everyone's gaze land on you.

"What are you waiting for?" Kaito broke the silence. "Catch up to him before he can do anything bad! Don't worry, we'll be right behind you as backup."

You just looked at him, furrowing your brows in exhaustion. Then you turned away and started to run towards the chapel... Liar, you thought. He's a liar, unless he actually thinks that 'right behind' means waiting a few moments before actually starting to walk. You didn't even have to look back, you could just hear his voice among some of the others'.

You finally made it to the chapel, opening the doors and accidentally slamming them shut.

"Whoa!" Kokichi quickly turned around in surprise. "Geez, you scared me...! It's not like you're escaping the Purge, so why do you need to slam the door like that? There are much better things that you could slam anyway."

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now