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You sighed, picking at the skirt Tsumugi gave you as part of the cosplay. Well...maybe she didn't necessarily 'give' it to you.

Only when you had made it all the way back to your dorm room did you realize that you still had the cosplay on, and that you didn't have your normal outfit with you. That was fine for the most part—you knew that there were extra outfits in your closet that looked exactly the same—but you felt a bit disheartened when it dawned on you that you no longer had one of Kokichi's scarves to wear...

Was that weird? You hoped not.

Knock! Knock!

There was a soft knock at your door. You wondered why they didn't use the intercom, but you just assumed that they weren't sure if you were already asleep or not. It had managed to reach past nighttime.

You stood up from your bed and walked over to the door. "Who is it?" you asked, just loud enough to be heard by the person on the other side.

"It's 'open-up-the-door-already-please-'cause-I'm-getting-tired-guy', aka me, Kokichi." His voice was sarcastic, yet still toned down a bit.

You opened the door up to see Kokichi already stepping into your room. "Kokichi, what are you doing in here? It's really late...and you should be going to sleep."

The boy rolled his eyes. "I don't need to be looked after," he pouted.

...Are you sure about that? you asked inside your mind. You seem to be doing a lot of damage to yourself already, just with your words...

"Anyway, Tsumugi noticed that you left your normal clothes with her. She wanted me to bring them back to you."

"O...kay. But why would you only come to me just now?"

"I had to run an errand, and then I was busy taking a shower," he replied with a shrug. "And I also almost forgot about it. I only remembered when I was gathering my clothes together when I left the shower, and there I saw them. Soooo...here."

Kokichi shoved your surprisingly neatly folded clothes to you. And upon closer inspection, you could tell that he did in fact take a shower. Some smaller strands of his curly purple hair seemed to be sticking to his neck. You could even smell the shampoo he had used...

"Uh, thank you..."

The small boy just smiled. "Nishishi~! It's no problem!"

"Stay out here for a second." You walked inside your bathroom, changing back into your normal outfit and stashing away the humiliating cosplay. Once you were finished, you walked back out.

Upon seeing the boy again, you noticed something. It made sense that he wouldn't have his scarf on like normal, but... "Kokichi... You don't have any pants on." He was just wearing his oversized shirt.

"So?" he replied in a somehow innocent tone. "I'm still wearing my boxers, so it's not like I'm able to flash you or anything." A smirk crossed his lips. "Was that what you were worried about? Aww, is (Y/N) trying to keep their eyes virgin? So cute!"

"Ah, um... That's not it," you responded. "I guess that I just wasn't expecting you to show up at my door dressed up like...this..."

Kokichi furrowed his brows at you. "What were you expecting me to show up in? My normal outfit? My outfit is a bit complicated, so it can take a while to get in and out of it... Or were you expecting me to show up entirely nude?"

"I wasn't expecting you to show up at all," you groaned.

He just shrugged and yawned. "Aaaanyway..." The boy walked over to your bed. "I'm tired right now, so I'll just lie down if you don't mind~" He jumped onto the bed and landed stiffly. "(Y/N)! Your bed is so hard and uncomfortable!"

Be My Liar 《Kokichi x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now