Story Time

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Last Time
Naruto took out an kunai. And pointed it at Shikamaru: " (Demonic Voice) Because it was an order to protect the 'last Uchiha'."
"Come down Naru-Chan.", Kurama said while putting his hands and Narutos Shoulders. One move and suddenly Kurama had no hands connected to his body. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!", screamed Kurama surprised.
(A.N. Oh God... I was so tired when I was writing this... what have I done?! And sorry for not updating for so long :( I have been in the middle of the exams time... so I had to study, against sorry)
Present Time
Everyone was looking at Naruto and Kurama in shock. Kurama was jumping up and down behind Naruto and shouting some curses at Naruto. Naruto was smiling devilish. Shikaku looked like he would puke any moment. Shikamaru was hiding behind his fathers back. Obito was looking indifferent and Madara looked at Naruto like it was the most normal thing in the world. Kurama meanwhile had focused on his arms and slowly dark chakra was forming new hands. Then on that chakra mass, skin was forming and - tadaaa - new hands for Kurama.
Naruto had formed a slow smile. "Now then Shika, let me tell you from my past."
Age Naruto - 3 years - Naruto POV
"It was one day since I became 3 years old, the same day the orphanage kicked me out. But not without stabbing and torturing me. Why? What have I done to them? I never killed a single soul in this village so why do they tell me that? I sighted and sat up. My room where I was living was already demolished in one day! The window was crashed by a stone, the walls where over and over with graffiti, saying something like Go Demon Die! , You don't deserve to live, Kill yourself! and Demon Scum.  I was staring at the already broken mirror and tried to brush down my spiky blond hair. My sky blue eyes looking at me sadly. Then after countless attempts on my hair I gave up and lied myself down at my .... ehhh.... stone.... bed...
Time Skip - 5 years
The beating are always terrible on my birthday but the days afterwards too. I was hiding in the shadows to get to my apartment without somebody noticing. But as soon as I stepped into the alley i froze. Before my house were more than 50 people. Around the half were chunin and even some Jounins were there. Before I could take a step back into the safety of the shadows, a villager spotted me and shouted out: "There is the demon! Get him!!! And be sure that he doesn't escape!!!" The crowd started walking towards him. The Ninjas with Kunais and the Citizens with broken bottles. I tried to run away but was caught by my 'protector' the ANBU Monkey. (Random ANBU).  The ANBU throw me into the crowed and I was started to be beaten senseless. A Ninja used his kunai to make a slash across my left eye, I was blinded on that eye. (I guess I forgot to mention that 😋)  Other Kunais were making many scars on my body and some even carved words in my skin. After the beating alcohol was put on my wounds for more screams from my side. But then I passed out. It was simply to much for me. I slipped into my mindscape.
"Gaki, wake up and bow down to the mighty Kyuubi no Ki...."
"Huh, who is this?", i asked while pointing at the water, I was standing in, only to realize the person in the water was mirroring my movements. I tried to make the person slip up in copying me, but failed.
"Gaki... you know that you are looking at your reflection...?", asked the grumpy voice. (Kurama: Oi, I don't have a grumpy voice! I am speaking very beautifully. Hmpf.... - Naruto : "Ha, who believes....")
I looked to the voice only to meet two blood red eyes with slits framed by orange-reddish fur. "Me?", I asked not shocked in the slightest by the appearance.  "Yeah that's you..." I once again studied, the now identified as myself, person in the water. I had white hair and icy blue eyes. Across my left eye was a scar and the eye was looking at me unfocused. "Ahhh!!! My eye!! Kyuubi-San heal it!!" 
"You now who I am. Are you not scared, Gaki ?"
"Naaa, why should I. Apropos, why are you even here? Last time I checked I was beaten down and you were dead.", I asked. "FIRST OF ALL I AM NOT DEAD!!! I could never die from the hands of a human.... and yes, you were beaten down.", the Kyuubi looked down, his tails laying flat on the ground and his ears dropping down. Kyuubi closed his eyes. "..... I am sorry Gaki . I guess I am the reason why you are beaten down so often. I was sealed into you when I was controlled to attack Konohagakure. This dump Villagers think you are me... so they think if they hurt you they hurt me." Suddenly something was patting his cheek. The Kyuubi's eyes shoot open. Naruto was sitting on his paw and was stroking his cheek. "Your at no fault Kyuubi-san. You gsaid it yourself you were controlled and I believe you. After all which motive would you have to lie?" " Naruto. thank you.", Kyuubi slightly nuzzled his cheek at Narutos Hand. "Oi, Naruto. Am I allowed to call you my kit?" "Of course!", Naruto smiled. "But, am I allowed to ask a question?" Kyuubi looked at him and closed his eyes for a short moment as a nod. "Kyuubi is a Titel, isn't it? Would you tell me your real name?"
The Kyuubi softly pushed Naruto from his paw. Then a red aura blinded Naruto. "Kit. My real name is Kurama Kitsune. And this..." , the light died down. "Is my real form."
Finally after a long time I updated. I'm sorry I had so much stuff to do for school. I'm planning to write more stories. Not only from Naruto.
Hope you all have an good weekend.

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