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jungkook is a whole Ass Fucking Angel n i will literally SQUARE UP at ANYONE who say n thinks otherwise

pls respect bts n not make any sexual jokes abt them when theyre close to fainting or already fainted thank u! 

BTS r just so hardworking and theyre so considerate and i hope they dont overwork themselves too much in the future💗💗 i also hope theyre happy and enjoying life rn!!! theyre so hardworking for us, ARMY!!!! show them all the love and support ! theyre all beautiful, i hope they look back and think "i did good" because they did FUCKING GREAT thank u.

soft n flustered jungkook & *red velvet voice* bad boy, taehyung. kinda cliche but whutevs Lolz

  jungkook yawned as slumber left him, blinking his eyes a few times to get rid of the blurriness. he stretched his arms and legs, getting up to a sitting position. a light smile etched his face as he looked at the rays of sun that bled through the window blinds, making a pattern of pretty oranges blend with his white blanket. 


  jungkook's blanket isn't white, it's red! he was always too scared to get a white blanket since white things always get dirty easily (despite his enormous collection of white shirts), and red was his favourite colour. 

  he looked around, confusion now settling on his puffy features. this wasn't his room. he doesn't have a bunch of van gogh paintings hung on his wall, nor does he have a bunch of alcohol bottles scattered on his room floor. 

  he screeched when a groan reached his ears, abruptly looking to his side, finally noticing the body that laid next to him. he bit his lip and poked the person's shoulder, causing them to stir and wake up.

  he widened his eyes and curled himself back when he noticed who it was. 

  a large hand came to ruffle his hair, making the blonde strands move to different directions. he looked back, his piercing blue eyes now on jungkook's cocoa coloured ones. 

  "well hey there." his deep, morning voice said. the younger did nothing more but stare at the older one, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. he wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

  he looked down to himself. thank god he was still wearing clothes, but he also can't believe he slept with jeans on, they're so uncomfortable. he also still has his white shirt on, the soft cotton was wrinkled. 

  "what're you doing in my room?" he asked after a short moment of silence. "b-b-believe me, i w-would like to know too." jungkook squeaked out, before hiding his face in embarrassment.

  jungkook thought about it but stopped himself, he didn't want to cry in front of his school's bad boy because of anything embarrassing he remembered doing the day before this.

  "do we know each other? feel like i've seen you before." taehyung got off the bed and stretched his limbs. "jeon jungkook, i'm in your math and chemistry class." he mumbled in reply, pouting.

  though he shouldn't be upset that taehyung doesn't know him. he can't be. he was just a boy who hid in the library during lunch time while reading a book and eating the apple and tuna sandwiches his mom would prepare him. and taehyung, was known by everyone, as the cliché bad boy. 

  his thoughts were cut off when he heard the sound of something falling. his eyes scanned the floor to see that something new has found it's way there, taehyung's shirt. 

  a tomato like colour painted his pale cheeks. he was too scared to look up now, to afraid he was going to explode from embarrassment. "god, you act as if you haven't seen a naked guy before. you're so cute." taehyung snorted, now facing the latter with a smirk as he played with the silver ring on his finger. 

  jungkook looked up and his breath was literally taken away. his big eyes looked up and down at the older's beautiful smooth sun kissed skin, wanting nothing more but to touch it. 

  he looked down when he realised he was staring. "i h-haven't..." he shyly admitted. taehyung looked at him, bewildered. "mm, little boy, that's sad. no wonder you're so shy, need someone to get you outta your shell, dont cha'?" 

  "i would very much like to stay in my shell." jungkook replied, tone firm but quiet. "you really are no fun, jungkook. come on, there's a first time for everything, might as well have your first time with me." 

  jungkook dragged his tongue against his plump bottom lip. "f-first time?" the boy tilted his head to the side, something that taehyung found adorable. "yeah, baby boy." 

  jungkook couldn't just give in to the older so easily. jungkook didn't even know him that well, the fact that the only thing he knows about him is that he has probably fucked everyone in the school doesn't make it any better. 

  but he did, no turning back now. 

  the younger nodded shyly as felt his cheeks heat up. taehyung sent him a toothy smile and joined jungkook on the bed. he sat with his back leaning against the bed's headboard. 

  "first step, pet, you sit on my lap." taehyung ordered, his voice deepened and jungkook felt himself already growing hard. jungkook obeyed, setting his ass perfectly on taehyung's crotch. 

  "such a good boy." taehyung whispered, resting his hands on jungkook's waist while jungkook's arms were wrapped around taehyung's honey brown neck. jungkook blushed at the praise and craved for more. "you really do have a tiny waist, baby." taehyung moved his warm, large hands down to his thighs and gave them a squeeze. 

  the boy yelped in reply, his thighs has always been the most sensetive thing about his body other than his nipples. 

  soon he felt the older's lips roughly come in contact with his own. his thin yet plump lips intertwined perfectly with his own, it made him moan into the kiss. taehyung's lips tasted like salty strawberry lip balm, it was addicting. his smell also added to jungkook's arousal, taehyung smelled like musk and cigarettes.

  a lot of tongue was involved. taehyung managed to slither his tongue into jungkook's mouth, tangling his own tongue and the latter's one together. 

  long story short, taehyung surely did have a lot of fun with jungkook. 


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