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jk is blind and th is famous lolzzzzzz... idk much abt blind stuff so i rlly do apologies if i say anything false in here !!! very sorry if anything here triggers u, know tht it is not my intention. im just here to write n let u read so u can give me criticism so i can become better (dont b too harsh tho >-<) 

  there taehyung stood, on a grand stage, a microphone in his tight clutch. meaningful lyrics were sung through his lips, with his beautiful velvet voice. his eyes were shut as he sang with strong passion, the song fitting very well with his intense energy. 

  "oppa! you're so handsome!" 

  "wahhhhh! you're so good looking!" 

  "his body is totally goals!" 

  "his face looks better up close!" 

  "no wonder he's so famous, his face is ethereal!" 

  nana time skip nanananannananana........

  he slammed his back against the walls of a nearby alley. tears streaming down his cheeks, whilst broken sobs heaved from his throat. his vision was blurry and full of shadows. 

  the reason for his melancholy state? people didn't give his talent recognition. pretty stupid thing to be sad about, he gets money anyway, what's the big fucking deal? he's rich, he lives the life of a dream. 

  the only thing bringing him fame is his face. people say he was a sculpture  made by angels. which was true, his face was truly a work of art. anyone who passed him by would stop by and stare at the beauty that god himself has brought upon them. 

  personality? nah. 

  talent? nah. 

  beliefs? nah. 

  looks? oh yes, fuck me. 

  he didn't know who to trust, a reason why he had no friends. everyone was thirsty for him. as if they were stranded on a desert for years and he was a cool glass of ice cold water. 

  he wanted to be known for his singing. he loved to sing his siblings to sleep, his friends, and he wanted to do it for people worldwide. instead he has people fainting over his face.

  he sobbed harder into his hands, curling up into a ball. the stench was now blocked by all the snot forming in his nose. it was 2:00 AM in the morning, not that he cared. 

  "h-hello?" the voice of a man called. it was high pitched and intruiging. taehyung looked up and looked to his side to see a tall shadow pointing towards him. "hello? i m-mean no harm... please come out, crying one!" 

  taehyung stood up abruptly and widened his red-shot eyes. shit, this is going to end up on the internet. 'singer kim taehyung, caught crying in an alley next to mcdonalds!' taehyung cringed at the mere thought. his company is going to kill him. 

  he pulled up his hoodie, ready to sprint away from this guy. the moment he took a step forward, his foot made contact with a bottle. the crackling noise of the plastic echoed against the brick walls of the alley, which didn't go unnoticed by the stranger.

  he immediately took off, passing by the man easily before his wrist was grabbed. he almost fell on his face before he was pulled back. he quickly looked back. 

  "my god, i'm so sorry!" the male with chestnut locks had his head bowed down low, preventing taehyung to see his face. "y-you know... instincts!" he brought his head up and sent taehyung a sheepish smile. 

  his eyes were an icy colour and it took taehyung off guard. the irises zapped from corner to corner, unfocused. soon the singer noticed the stick that the latter had in his pale hand. 

  "it's... it's alright." taehyung whispered. the latter's eyebrows perked up, "kim t-taehyung? oh wait no, sorry. how stupid of me! why would kim taehyung be crying an alley way!? you sound like him." his nervous voice reached taehyung's ears, and he felt himself smile with awe rather than scowl from offence. 

  "you know me?" taehyung asked with a tiny smirk. "oh my god, you're kim taehyung! of course i know you, you have the best voice in the world! oh wait, did i offend you just now? i'm sorry. i'm about to pee my pants right now, wait why did i say that? i'm nervous! i'm meeting my idol and oh my god, what?" 

  at that moment, taehyung's heart felt like it was being sewn up. this boy, he recognised taehyung because of his singing. this sweet boy just told taehyung that he had the best voice in the world, and that he was about to pee his pants. 

  "you're... blind?" taehyung muttered. "you have pretty eyes." 

  "y-yes, i'm blind. is it that obvious? oh no, is it weird? i'm sorry!" the boy frowned and bowed down, managing to trip himself with his walking stick. taehyung immediately bent down and helped him up, frowning as well. 

  "don't apologise, please." taehyung said, adjusting the other boy's shirt. "tell me your name instead." the boy bit his lip and replied shyly, "j-jungkook." 

  taehyung smiled warmly and ruffled the boy's hair. "kookie~" he sang as if they have been friends for a long time. jungkook blushed and pouted. "you're cute, you know that?" taehyung smiled as the blush grew redder and redder with every word that left his mouth. 

  "can i give you a hug?" jungkook asked suddenly, his icy irises being covered by the boy's eyelids that were shut over them. taehyung nodded and wrapped his warm arms around the smaller frame of the boy. 

  he heard jungkook drop his stick and hug him back, tightly.

  "please don't ever cry again, taehyung." jungkook pleaded, tears gradually dripping onto the thick material of taehyung's hoodie. taehyung felt tears forming in the corner of his eyes, tears of pure happiness. 



  "...thank you." 

This was so rushed by this is kinda just for the sake of updating,,, 

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