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We gots some smut comin ahead yallllllzzzz 

iguess?? busy kth n jealous n needy bby boi jjk 

  loud steps slammed the pearly floor, rage and anger being the obvious cause of it. though can you blame jungkook? taehyung hasn't been giving him the love and attention he deserves these past few days. truly tantrum worthy. 

  maids gave him looks, yet they did not react. they've seen their boss's boyfriend act like this numerous times, it was nothing new. to them, jungkook was nothing but a little bunny who gets angry when he doesn't get kisses every five minutes. 

  jungkook hmphed as he opened the door, seeing taehyung give no reaction to him. he walked towards his older boyfriend, setting himself on the floor beside his chair with a very angry pout. 

  "taehyung." jungkook whined, crawling closer to the latter. he rested his chin on taehyung's knee, looking up at him with his tearful eyes and pouted lips. "taehyung, pay attention to me." jungkook whined out again. 

  "what is the reason for your troubled behaviour, pet?" taehyung finally replied, though unfortunately not taking his eyes from the papers he was writing on. 

  "you don't love me anymore. oh the nerve!" jungkook cried out, quivering his lips. "you're being a tad bit dramatic, sweetheart. i do remember taking you out for breakfast this morning?" taehyung said, finally looking down at jungkook and playing with his hair. 

  "i don't mean it like that!" jungkook said with rage bubbling up in him. a strong and callous hand came to caress his cheek, jungkook leaning into it almost immediately. "fine, i admit it." taehyung said smoothly, "i miss you so much, jungkookie."

  jungkook rised up and climbed on his lover's lap. he leaned in and stuck his bottom out, breathing against taehyung's plump lips. "please." he whispered so desperately and taehyung just lost it.

  large hands cupped the younger's plump ass, giving it a slight squeeze. a sigh left jungkook's lips as he fully pushed his lips against the other one's, tasting the most delicious and intoxicating taste.

  the younger grinded his hips down onto the latter's crotch, earning a small groan. lips that were once on his own now moved down to his neck. a trail of wet kisses were left from his jaw to his collar.

  the wonderful sensation of taehyung sucking a hickey on his neck drove him mad, feeling like he could just have his climax right then and there. he moaned softly into taehyung's hair, inhaling his musk scent which aroused him more.

  veiny fingers were shoved past his cherry lips, which he eagerly sucked on. his wet muscle creating patterns on the long finger, panting with delight as he continued to grind down on taehyung's erection. 

  "my good baby boy." taehyung whispered, licking the shell of his ear as jungkook purred. the fingers pulled out, much to the boy's dismay. 

  he felt his loose shorts being swiftly pulled down to his knees, revealing the skin of his pale and plush ass. taehyung's wet hand dragged down from his tailbone to his needy pink hole.

  he circled a finger around the ring of muscle as jungkook rolled his hips against it, desperate for any attention inside of him. "daddy..." he breathed out, "daddy, please don't tease me." he said, looking up to taehyung's snake like green eyes.

  with his free hand, he spanked him. the sound bounced against the walls, whilst jungkook laid there wide eyes and a fast beating heart. 

  "you are not to tell me what to do, pet." taehyung reminded. a shiver was felt running up the younger's spine. "y-yes, daddy." jungkook replied with red tinted cheeks as he breathed uneven breaths. "so good for me, baby, so good just for me." taehyung replied. 

  a finger wriggled inside into him, having find himself gasping at the sudden pleasure. a cry of bliss escaped his lips as he shut his eyes tight, throwing his back. he leaned backwards against the finger, feeling it go deeper and deeper. 

  the finger soon found his prostrate, the bundle of nerves being massaged sent a wave of pleasure washing over jungkook like a flood. another finger came inside him, joining the other one in massaging his prostrate. 

  his cock leaked precum onto taehyung's trousers, making him feel bad yet at the same he didn't even care. more and more fingers added into him and before you know it, he had four fingers inside him. 

  his stomach began turning and twisting. he smashed his lips with his lover and brought them into a passionate kiss, moans and groans being caused by it.

  strings of white bursted from jungkook's untouched cock, making him feel relieved but embarrassed. a kiss was pressed on his forehead, nose, and both his cheeks. "you okay?" taehyung asked in a whisper. jungkook smiled and nodded, setting himself fully on his beloved. "never better." 

 this was so quick and bad 

ive never even wrote ACTUAL smut before soooo...idk

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