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baker jjk n criminal kth 

pretty messed up, theyre both insane 

also i made up a lot of shit in this chapter so like if i say anything that is untrue just uhh ignore it lolz

inspired by a scene in sweeney todd 

i love that movie 

  the birds screeched loudly as they flew through the grey painted sky. everyone was dressed in varied shades of black, chatting around happily with whom ever they stood next to. 

  their voices were muffled by the thick glass that separated jungkook and his shop from the outside world. they were nothing but a mere background noise to his head that was filled with an empty train of thoughts. he's never had a customer in weeks, no one was a fan of his pies. 

  his eyes were dazed with sleepiness whilst dark bags surrounded his eyes like a wealthy woman's make up. he spends his nights reading poetry out loud in the back room and eating his own pies. 

  the shop adjacent to his own was popular amongst all the people in this little town. loud music emitted from it from the first light of dawn until when dusk fell. of course it was annoying, but who would listen to the boy who makes disgusting pies? no one, that's who. 

  he washed his flour-covered his hands, thinking it was time to stop baking and rest for a while. he sat on one of the cuishoned chairs that was meant for his customers, playing with the holes that were eaten through by bugs. 

  he sniffed and adjusted the white vest that he wore over his black turtle neck. "perhaps i should close my shop early..." he spoke to no one in particular, "who would even dare inhale in this excuse of a shop?!" he cried out, slapping his hands onto his face. 

  and at that moment, the click of the door opening echoed through the paper walls. there stood a man with raven coloured hair, messy and curly with a thick white stripe. a white button up shirt that was unbuttoned was thrown over his skin that was so pale it looked as if he hasn't been out in years. pants clung onto his skinny feet, and leather shoes completing the look. 

  "a customer!" jungkook gasped as he stood up from where he sat, going over to the stranger and pulling him deeper into the shop. he shut the door and sent the latter a smile, his eyes turning to crescent and his nose scrunching up. 

  the zombie looking man raised one of his thick everybows, his thin yet plump lips curling downwards. jungkook took the man's hands that was just slightly less pale than his own, pulling him towards the hole-littered seats then pushing him down on one. 

  the once dull atmosphere that embraced his little shop was now wrapped around the arms of happiness. jungkook finally had a customer, finally, finally! he hummed as he plopped a pie onto a tray, sliding it into his burning furnace. 

  he turned back around to face the lovely source of his sudden giddiness, sending him a full tooth smile. "oh please, do tell me your name sir! tell me where you came from!" jungkook chirped, waltzing gracefully over to the strange looking man, seating himself next to him. 

  he was mostly happy that the person who he was talking to wasn't himself. 

  "kim taehyung, though please restrain yourself from calling me that, little one. you shall call me mr. kim unless you dare face the unpretty circumstances. coming from the island that rests in the west." mr. kim replied, quickly buttoning up his shirt as he spoke. 

  "my, my! a criminal? what a vague character you are, mr. kim! you must've done something bad, haven't you? tell me what it is!" jungkook giggled, bouncing up onto his feet. 

  "what i am about to tell you is unacceptable, my dear. they say i killed people, and i swear i haven't killed a single person in my life..." mr. kim cleared his throat, "purposely..." 

  "how awful!" mourned jungkook in return. he took the pie from the furnace with gloved fingers and placed it on a plate. "have one of mr. kookie's pies! i'm certain that will cheer you up!" the happy boy placed the pie on the table, steam rising up from the pastry. 

  "though i do warn you..." jungkook whispered as mr. kim brought the pie to his lips. he took a large bite before jungkook continued, "they may look good, but they're rather repulsive." 

  taehyung paused, chewing a bit, before spitting it out. 

"just disgusting, isn't it? you have to concede it." jungkook smiled sweetly as the male snarled in disgust. "i'll go get you some ale, that's strong enough to wash the taste down!" 

  taehyung places the pie back on the plate with only his fingertips touching it. a cup was shoved in front of him, the big glass being wrapped around by the bony fingers of the latter. he looked up at the boy, before snatching it and gulping it down. 

"would've thought that no one would ever come here by the way people avoid this place..." jungkook sighed. "i didn't come here for the pies, dear. i came here because this place is under where i used to... kill my victims. i decided to pay it a visit." taehyung retorted. 

  "mr. kim! you said you didn't kill anyone on purpose!" jungkook shrieked. "i'm a barber, boy. anyone who would pay me a visit would get their throats slit." taehyung shrugged in reply, taking another gulp of the strong beer. 

  "so you aren't a very good barber then?" 

  "i am... it's just... the need to cut the bare neck underneath my clutch is strong..." taehyung sighed deeply. "perhaps it is too strong sometimes, five years in prison did me no good." 

  "mr. kim, please do tell me your age." jungkook leaned in over the table, his face merely inches apart from the criminal. "why should i tell you?" taehyung enquired, leaning back slightly. "why shouldn't you?" jungkook replied whimsically. taehyung huffed, "i'm twenty six, you little brat."

  "i'm assuaged, i'm twenty one." jungkook pulled back, walking to the entrance before locking it with a loud click. he covered the big windows with the cloth of the curtains that were eaten through by moths. 

  "you're crazy, mr. kim." jungkook muttered, as he climbed onto the lap that belonged to the confused throat slitter. "what in heavens are you doing?" taehyung asked in bewilderment. 

  "it's been lonely." 

ok here u go

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