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Jk is like a Spy or sum shit n tae is this Big Criminal n yeh plot is slightly similar to fancy

  jungkook pressed his lips together as he clenched and unclenched his clammy hands. he scanned the restaurant with alert eyes, putting his elbows onto the cloth covered table and covering his mouth with fists. his attentive trance was cut off by a finger tapping his shoulder. 

  "care for some wine, signore?" a thick italian accent kindly offered, the owner presenting a tray of cups that held red bubbly liquid. the boy bowed his head and took one with firm fingers, not forgetting to mumble a quiet 'thank you' to the waiter. 

  getting drunk would get him to so much trouble, especially when he's on the job. though, jungkook was smart enough to know that. he didn't want to stand out, being the only person not drinking in the party, so he'll just pretend to drink it. he'll blend in and look less suspicious. 

  he took a small sip from the drink, instantly cringing at it's bitterness. he rolled his tongue and scrunched his face up, placing the cup down back onto the table. he looked around once more, realising he was the only one at this table. he didn't even know the point of this party, his boss was never big with details. he just made jungkook memorise a picture of this guy who he was supposed to mingle with, if you will, to get some info. 

  it wasn't going to be easy, he was told. kim taehyung, this criminal he was supposed to talk to, can read anyone like an open book. 

  "you better watch out, jungkook. if your eyes just so much quiver, i'm sure kim will cut your head off then and there." namjoon, his boss, said as he pushed his glasses up his nose. "y-yes, sir." he replied to those, oh so, reassuring words. 

  he shivered at that memory. 

  he shot his eyes towards the direction of an opening door. his eyes lit up when he saw the face that looked like the one on the picture, surrounded by a lot of other man, jungkook assuming was his body guards. if he was the most dangerous man here, why would he need bodyguards? jungkook began to question his greatness. he quickly made a check list in his head. 

  long nose? check. almond shaped eyes? check. thin yet plump lips? check. black hair?... not check. his hair was blonde. well, namjoon did tell him that kim taehyung changed his hair colour a lot. he licked his lips and turned away from the intriguing male, casually taking another sip from the bitter liquid. he tried to hide the effect the taste had on him by letting the glass linger in front of his face a little longer.

  his eyes widened slightly when he heard the sound of feet clicking towards where he was sitting. jungkook prayed silently to god that he wasn't who he thought it was walking towards his table as he his fist tightened it's grip around the neck of the wine glass. 

  "mind if i sit here?" a rich voice asked that wasn't even louder than a whisper yet sounded like a megaphone pressed against his ear. this wasn't part of the plan, god dammit. he was supposed to be the first one to approach, but jungkook kept his cool, as to not make the criminal suspicious. 

  "w-why yes, of course, signore!" jungkook  stammered out. 

  " grazie, tesoro mio."

  the spy just sat there. should he say something? before he could part his lips, the blonde criminal began, "what is your business here?"

   "you know, its a party. came here to have fun." he said, a slight smile on his lips as he tilted his head to the side, raising his wine glass. 

  "fun? you are interesting." taehyung cracked a devilish grin and jungkook tried not to wet his pants. "as you know, this is a party for the best criminals in the area of seoul. i don't think i have ever heard of you before. i wouldn't suspect such a pretty boy like yourself to be here."

  oh my fucking god-- namjoon is a shithead. 

  "yeah, of course i knew that. maybe you've never heard of me because i prefer to keep a low profile. i'm sure its different with you, kim taehyung. you enjoy having everyone know your name, yes?" he spoke with a casual voice, ending with a slight flirty tone. as a spy, its kind of his job to improvise.

  "mm, smart boy. i like you." taehyung chuckled. 

  jungkook presented the latter with his bunny toothed smile. "tell me about yourself, signore~" he purred, leaning on his elbows towards the blonde. as much as he was attractive, jungkook hated taehyung's guts. murdered countless of innocent people and more, the boy thought the criminal as not even human.

  the criminal sent him a smile, "tell me your name." jungkook scrunched his face up as he answered, "kim yoojin."

  taehyung's face lit up and his eyes turned to crescents, he lifted a hand to his chest. is he trying not to laugh? "yoojin, pretty name." 

  the blonde stood up from his chair, walked around the table towards the spy. jungkook began to sweat. what's he doing? taehyung leaned towards the boys face, allowing him to sniff the strong scent of musk. "but i know its not your real name, jeon jungkook."

hey guys um i know i haven't updated in years but i got my tablet taken away and  its hard to write on a teensy tiny little phone looooooool

enjoy this chapter n about the making my one shot into a story pls choose between innocence and fake 

ok thx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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