12. At My Best

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Kaori's p.o.v

I placed a hand on Kousei's sleeping face, I kissed his lips making him wake up.

"Good morning Angel."

"Morning Babe." I said kissing him again

"The kids will be up soon." He said

"Yep they will. Especially Lilly. I got up five times with her last night." I said smiling

"Yeah but it was worth it."

"Yes it was." I said as he sat up and put a his arm behind my back while I was lying side ways.

I snuggled to him before I heard the pitter patter of 2 pairs of feet.

We separated and braced ourselves.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Rose and Dallas yelled and they jumped up on our beds. Rose kissed my cheek and Dallas hugged me.

We got up set the twins down and went to get Lilly.

I arrived to the crib to see my smiling baby waving her hands in the air.

I picked her up and cuddled her to my cheek she was 4 months old and she got cuter every day.

I set her in her bassanet and went to fix breakfast for the kids and Lilly.

I fixed up some eggs for the twins and a bottle for Lilly.

I sat down with the crying hungry baby and rocked her in the rocker. She drank her bottle and stopped crying.

I decided to give her a bath so I put an inch of water in the tub and put her pajamas in the hamper and set her in. She splashed the water as I washed her and she smiled at me.

When I was done I plucked her out of it and got her a little onsie with booties and a little hat because we were heading to visit Tsubaki. I put her in her car seat and strapped the straps making sure they were fastened correctly. I set the car seat on the floor and our cat Alexa looked at her with interest.

I got Rose dressed in a pink dress white leggings and pink flats. I grabbed two strands of her blond now browning hair and tied it in the back with a pink bow.

When I was done I heard Lilly cry out and went to inspect. The cat had stole her teething ring and I found Alexa and slightly thumped her rump and Alexa jumped back.

I gave the teething ring back to my baby and she smiled happily and I smiled at her.

Kousei came out with Dallas and I got my bag ready.

Rose followed behind as I carried a sleeping Lilly in her car seat to the car.

I buckled in the three and hopped in the passenger seat. When I heard Lilly cry I turned around and grabbed a ready made bottle and fed her. When she was done she struggled to keep her eyes open she soon fell asleep.

We arrived at Tsubaki and Watori's at 12 and saw Autumn playing outside in the yard.

Dallas ran over to his playmate and Rose did too. I unstrapped Lilly with the bag on my shoulder.

Tsubaki grabbed Lilly and started making faces as Lilly smiled.

Autumn hugged me and I hugged back as I set my bag in the house.

Watori made silly faces at Lilly and she just cried at him.

He walked away dissapointed.

"She cried at me." He said handing me Lilly

"She's picky you scared her" I said smacking him

"Ow!" He said playfully "Autumn I'm dying tell your mom I loved her so!"

Autumn ran laughing to her Daddy and i just smiled at Rose and Dallas laughing with Kousei as he dramatically "died".

"My love!" I said jumping on the ground with Kousei handing Lilly to Tsubaki.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Rose and Dallas yelled as we both "died"

"Boo!", I said and my children laughed and I hugged them.

I got up fixed my shirt and my undershirt.

I sat down with Lilly and handed Tsubaki a rag and a bottle so i could get the grill fired up.

I passed Lilly to Tsubaki and went to fire up the grill.

Every now and then I would peek over my shoulder to check on Lilly she was out for the count.

I got the grill started and the men took over.

I sat down and watched the kids play. Lilly was watching a bird and I said " Lilly Grace Arima"  she turned around and smiled reaching for me and I grabbed her.

Her hand reached for my hair but I gently set her hand down and handed her,her teething ring.

"Lilly. Lilly Grace. " I said trying to catch my baby's attention as she stared at her dad playing baseball.

She turned to me and I kissed her head

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear how much I love you
Oh please don't take my sunshine away

I sang to Lilly and she fell asleep.

I got up and decided to play baseball.

Watori was pitching and I grabbed the bat and hit a home run.

"Yes! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh! Uh huh!" I said running around and laughing.

When the sun had gone down we bid our goodbyes and took our sleepy children home.

I changed them into their pajamas then but them to bed.

I,myself passed out from exhaustion. And Kousei did the same.


Hello nothing to announce just wanted to say for those of you who read this book and stuck with it,.... YOU ARE AMAZING! MY LITTLE LIERS IN APRILS.......seriously that nickname was bad hahaha.

BTW new chapters I'm trying to write them but I have severe depression right now!

I am not so great and I just need moral support! 😞😭😢😭😭😢😭😢

Anyways bye ya!

Song for this chapter :At My Best by MGK

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