chapter 2 | i don't want to break your heart

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[Jaymes Young - Moondust]

the brightness of the sun will give me just enough, 

to bury my love,

in the m o o n d u s t.

Not too long after Coran had given them Keith's test results, the group made their way through the forest towards the center of the village, where they would me having the diplomatic meeting with the queen of T'Rox. Even though team Voltron's situation might not be ideal for such a serious discussion, the queen insisted that they would still have the meeting despite the small disturbance. They were short on time anyway, Zarkon probably already planning his next move. He was always one step ahead of them and Voltron was trying to keep that from happening as best as they could. But Zarkon's witch Haggar had access to unthinkable amounts of power now that they were able to harvest quintessence from entire planets. Allura didn't even want to think about what types of plans they were making in their quest of capturing Voltron. T'Rox would definitely be an important ally in their fight against the Galra empire. And even though they weren't very skilled when it came to fighting on the battlefield, every planet joining the Voltron coalition would only make them stronger.

While the rest of the team was calmly strolling through the forest of T'Rox, Lance was walking slightly behind them, with Keith clinging to his side again, the talk they had earlier long forgotten. And the Cuban boy was feeling extreme discomfort, to say the least. It was simply way too unusual for Keith to show so much affection towards anyone. Except for maybe Shiro. And it made Lance feel horrible. If Keith had been in his right mind he would have probably punched him square in the jaw. Lance felt as if he was taking advantage of the raven haired boy, trying to satisfy all the years of pining he had to endure. And although he wanted to, he really, really wanted to, he just couldn't push Keith away. And Lance would probably never admit it to himself - or anyone for that matter - but he wanted to have this while it lasted. Keith would probably hate him, call him names and never talk to him again after all of this was over, but he simply wasn't able to break the boy's heart like that. He loved that stupid idiot, more than he was comfortable with and just thinking about the hurt expression on his face after Lance would push Keith off of him made the Cuban's heart clench. And even though spoiling him would probably just make it worse for the both of them, Lance simply couldn't do it. Keith most likely didn't even know it himself, but he was the most precious person Lance had ever had the pleasure of meeting and he wanted to treasure him - although it didn't seem like that most of the time. Yes, they fought quite a lot and they did act like they simply couldn't stand each other, when it reality, it wasn't at all like that - at least not for Lance. The only reason he started the whole rivalry thing with Keith - and this will probably sound extremely cliche - was to be able to deal with his massive crush on him. And Keith - thinking Lance was being serious - simply played along. So the only reason they were acting so hateful towards each other was because of some stupid "rivalry" Lance created, because he wasn't able to deal with his feelings. And he didn't care if Keith was going to hate him after all of this was over, because he was going to tell him. After all this time, it simply needed to be said. And who knows, maybe Keith liked him back. (Although Lance highly doubted that.)

When the team arrived, Lance needed a couple of seconds to take in the sight before him. And even though he expected their meeting to be held in an actual hall rather than surrounded by trees, he didn't complain. The seven of them were standing not too far away from the shore of a giant ocean that looked extremely similar to home. Extremely similar to Varadero Beach, to be exact. White sand, turquoise water and a clear blue sky. And Lance had never felt more confused. On one hand, he was happy and appreciated the beautiful view in front of him and on the other, his chest began to feel incredibly tight, like it usually did whenever he thought about home or his family. And for a moment Lance felt like it was going to swallow him. Like he was going to get swallowed by the pain in his chest, like it was literally eating him up from the inside. Lance knew that feeling all too well. It had been a while since they left earth and in the beginning Lance thought going to space was the most exciting thing to ever happen to him, but that was before he had really began to realize that they were all going to spend more time up there than they had anticipated. That he wasn't going to return home until Zarkon was dead and the Galra empire defeated. And from the day on when the realization came not one day passed that he didn't think about his family. That he didn't think about his mom, or his brother Marco, or his brother Louis, or his sister Veronica, or his grandma. He missed them all so much and to know that he wasn't going to see them in a longer time than he was comfortable with - or possibly ever again - made him tear up each time. Keith had apparently began to notice that Lance wasn't feeling well, because the raven haired boy was gazing up at him with an expression of hurt and concern on his face.

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