chapter 4 | i knew you would

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Important A/N: I orginally didn't want to finish posting this 'cause I thought my career on Wattpad was over. But since I have gotten a lot of positive responses and results from this fanfic compared to other ones I have posted, here it is anyway. Special shoutout to all the people who commented. You guys made me want to actually finish this. There is only one more chapter to go after this one which I will post immediately after and I hope you enjoy! (If anyone is interested, I have an archive of our own account where I post Attack on Titan and Voltron fics and I am much more active there. My name is MayJestic, in case you are interested in my work.)

[Coldplay - Sparks]

i promised you this,

i'll a l w a y s look out for you.

"Guys, I could really use some backup here!", Lance screamed over the comms, groaning as he dodged a couple of shots rushing right by him when he peaked his head around a corner. (Like, Lance didn't think boarding a Galra ship and saving his teammate was going to be easy, but he didn't expect it to be this hard.) The Cuban could see the red paladin being dragged away by a couple of Galra troopers out of the corner of his eye. Lance slightly cursed under his breath. He would never be able to defeat all those robots guarding the red lion and get to Keith in time. The Cuban didn't even want to imagine what they were going to do to him. Probably throw him in a cell and torture him until he spits out information about Voltron but only over Lance's dead body. And even though it wasn't Keith's fault and he had no control over his actions, Lance couldn't help but feel angry at the red paladin for doing something so stupid and reckless. And Lance couldn't help but feel angry at himself for getting sloppy and putting the both of them in this position in the first place. He would never be able to forgive himself for putting the one he loved in danger.

"Hold out for as long as you can, Lance! We're still quite busy out here!", Shiro answered over the comms, his voice sounding like he was in a big rush. Lance let out a loud groan at that statement as the Cuban raised his bayard before emerging from his cover, firing off a couple of shots to ward off sentries that had begun approaching him, some of them getting destroyed and falling onto the metal floor with a loud thunk.

"This isn't about me!", the Cuban called, returning to his safe position behind a wall where the Galra troopers weren't able to hit him with their lasers. Lance slightly flinched, when a big blue beam of light tore through the metal walls of the ship, the hangar room going up in flames in a big explosion, most of the robots getting demolished in the process. Lance shot down the remaining sentries with his bayard, running across the room towards the corridor where a few Galra soldiers had taken Keith. The blue paladin spotted a flash of yellow out of his peripheral vision, making a mental note to later thank Hunk for helping him once the Cuban had found and saved Keith and they were all back on the castle of lions. Lance rounded a corner, detecting two Galra officers dragging the red paladin with them, who was trying to struggle free from their grasp. They both just snickered sinisterly at Keith's hopeless attempts to release himself from their strong holds on his wrists, Lance silently growling. The smiles of the two Galra soldiers immediately faded as they noticed the blue paladin charging at them, his bayard raised. One of the officers dropped to the floor, a shot hitting his kneecap. The Cuban fired off another blow, hitting the officer who was already on his knees in the back of the neck, causing the Galra to fall onto the floor completely. Lance dedicated his attention to the other soldier, who had raised his sword by now, which caused Keith to fall onto the metal tiles with a groan. The Galra swung his blade at Lance, the blue paladin blocking the attack with his bayard. The Cuban was pushed backwards, the sword and gun making a clash-sound, Lance firing off another shot, which hit the Galra officer in the gut, causing him to fall to the ground next to his associate. The blue paladin rushed to Keith's side, the raven haired boy groaning a little in pain as the Cuban helped him sit up, their hands intertwining.

"I didn't doubt you for a second, Lance. I knew you would come to save me.", Keith spoke, tears streaming down his cheeks, which were bruised and littered with small cuts, as a small smile creeped onto his lips that Lance simply had to return. The blue paladin rested his free hand on Keith's cheek, wiping away a couple of tears as best as he could without hurting the raven haired boy. And for one time those past couple of days, Lance said something that made Keith's heart melt.

"I promised you that I would always come back to you. I did. And I always will.", Lance answered with a big smile on his face, Keith gazing at him with a look of affection on his face. The Cuban leaned towards Keith so their foreheads were touching. Somehow that whole situation seemed so familiar to Lance. The blue paladin felt the need to punch himself in the jaw when he remembered why. The bonding moment.

"Now I'm the one cradling you in my arms.", he breathed, the both of them chuckling at the statement. The both of them stayed like that for a couple of minutes, before making their way back to the hangar so the others could come pick them up, Lance insisting on carrying Keith, even though the raven haired boy had tried to assure him numerous times that he was able to walk.

"Everyone, we're ready for takeoff.", the Cuban called over the comms in a happy and pleased tone, a big grin creeping onto his lips. He noticed Keith lazily smiling up at him, the raven haired boy's eyes fluttering shut. Lance gained quite a lot of praise from his fellow comrades for getting the red paladin back, as he stepped into the cockpit of Hunk's lion, who had come to pick the both of them up. Once everyone had returned to the castle, Coran decided he wanted to inspect how bad Keith's injuries were, even though they didn't look too bad from the outside. But since the raven haired boy had fallen asleep in Lance's arms and didn't seem like he was going to wake up any time soon, the rest of team Voltron couldn't really ask the red paladin for his opinion, so they simply decided to take off his clothes and see if any severe external or internal damage had been done. Bruises were littered around the area of Keith's upper body, so Coran decided to put the raven haired boy in a pod for a couple of days, in case some of his ribs were cracked or possibly broken. Even though this whole situation pretty fucking sucked and Lance felt pretty fucking guilty, it did have one positive aspect - he wouldn't have to deal with a lovestruck Keith for the next couple of quintents. Everyone gradually left the med bay - except for Lance and Shiro. The Cuban gave the black paladin a little bit of a confused expression. Shiro simply shot him a smile as he put one hand on Lance's shoulder before speaking.

"Thank you, Lance. For bringing him back." A small and hesitant smile creeped onto the blue paladin's lips as well.

"No problem, man! I mean, he is our teammate after all.", Lance answered, letting out a slightly nervous laugh. Shiro apparently seemed to notice, as his previously appreciative smile turned into a little bit of a mischievous one. The black paladin let his arm fall to his side again.

"You know, I was kind of surprised when you volunteered to get onto that Galra cruiser and save him so quickly. I thought you two kind of hated each other." Lance let out a small, cold chuckle at that statement, Shiro eyeing him in confusion. And even though the blue paladin had always thought that he would never tell another living soul about his crush on Keith, there was no denying it at that moment. Lance wasn't dumb, he knew Shiro was onto him.

"Well, I for my part can say that I'm pretty fucking in love with that guy." And even though the Cuban kind of excpected to get yelled at for being so irresponsible and that his feelings could affect the team and forming Voltron yada yada yada, the lecture never came. The black paladin just gave him a bright smile and a small pat on the back.

"You guys should definitely talk after everything is over.", Shiro spoke while turning around, shooting Lance a suspicious look. And even though the Cuban couldn't really interpret what it meant, one thing was certain - the black paladin knew something that Lance didn't.

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