chapter 5 | fucking finally

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[Selfish - PnB Rock]

i'm selfish, 

i want you all to myself, I swear, 

you don't need n o b o d y else.

Lance had actually intended to spend the next three days sitting next to Keith's healing pod and wait for him to wake up, until Shiro had told him to hit the hay after not going to bed for two days. The Cuban eventually reluctantly gave in, immediately coming back the next day to resume what he had been doing before the black paladin so rudely interrupted him. It was pretty strange to Lance. At first, the Cuban had been pretty relieved to hear that he wouldn't have to endure a lovestruck Keith because he was going to spend the next couple of days in a pod. But in that very moment, while he sat on one of the beds the med bay provided and waited for the raven haired boy to wake up, there was this feeling pooling in the blue paladin's stomach. A feeling of sadness, a feeling of despair. Because once Keith was awake again that would mean everything would be over. It would just be the same as before, the both of them bickering like children. And even though Lance wanted their situation to change so desperately, he would probably never be able to get himself to actually confess to the red paladin. Getting rejected numerous times by both girls and boys in High School and the Garrison really traumatised Lance and turned him into a coward, even though he didn't want to admit it. But he was well aware of that fact and knowing that he would never be able to get the one thing he had craved his entire life made him feel extremely depressed. He wanted to know how Keith loved, how he actually loved. But for that to even happen in the first place, the blue paladin needed to talk to the raven haired boy about how he felt, which could end well but also go horribly wrong. Because if Keith actually ended up rejecting him that would mean not only risking losing the sort-of-friendship the both of them had built during their time as paladins, but also putting the rest of the team in jeopardy. They wouldn't be able to form Voltron and the universe would be doomed. (Let's be real, those two are stubborn bastards.) But avoiding and simply not talking to each other after the raven haired boy had woken up and was back to normal wasn't an option either, it would basically lead to the same tragedy of Zarkon's absolute universal domination. Lance really fucking preferred the first option and even though it was going to be hard (probably the hardest thing the blue paladin ever had to do in his life), he would still confess to Keith. (The Cuban wouldn't be able to endure the awkwardness the second possibility of choice was going to bring.) Lance quickly closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down a little. He felt like he was going to have an emotional breakdown at any given second. And even though he didn't want to admit it, those past days had been pretty tiring for him. Keith got hurt because of the blue paladin's own stupidness and he couldn't stop himself from feeling guilty. But before the Cuban even got a chance to really prepare himself for the upcoming conversation with the raven haired boy, the healing pod swished open, Lance immediately getting up from his seat on the floor to catch Keith in his arms and prevent him from falling. The blue paladin swallowed thickly, his Adam's apple visibly bobbling in his throat. Keith looked up at the Cuban and blinked a couple of times, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Lance immediately noticed that the venom of the bug had left the red paladin's system because the all too familiar expression of adoration for the Cuban he always used to wear while being bit had been replaced with one of disarray.

"Lance?", the raven haired boy breathed, a quiet groan following afterwards as he reached one hand up to rub at his forehead to ease the pain a little.

"Yeah. How are you feeling, buddy?", the blue paladin asked, feeling heat slightly rise to his cheeks when he noticed that his hands were still resting on Keith's hips. The both of them were dangerously close, a little too close for Lance's liking as his cheeks became an even darker shade of red.

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