chapter 3 | always

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[AURORA - Runaway]

take me home, take me home where I belong, 

i can't take it a n y m o r e.

"What is it, Keith?", Lance asked in a soft voice, a small smile creeping onto his lips at how shy the raven haired boy was acting. Keith was standing in front of him, a beautiful blush dusting his cheeks a light pink, while twiddling with his thumbs. The raven haired boy literally never got flustered and Lance would definitely use this golden opportunity to tease him about it for the rest of his life. Keith swallowed hard before answering.

"Can I sleep with you?" And even though that sentence had such an innocent and pure meaning, Lance's dirty mind immediately started thinking in a completely wrong direction which caused him to almost choke on his own spit. The Cuban could feel his cheeks slightly heat up as well, as he nodded. The both of them entered his room and Keith immediately began stripping off his jacket and pants. And because Lance was a very polite person, he instantly averted his eyes, walking over to his closet to pull out his blue paladin robe. (And no, he didn't just do it because he was trying to keep Keith from noticing his giant blush. Not at all. Why would you even think of such a thing?) The Cuban got changed as well, only still wearing his briefs underneath the night gown. He turned towards the raven haired boy, who had proceeded with staring at his feet, looking a little lost. Lance had felt slightly uncomfortable with all the affection Keith was giving him in the beginning and the Cuban knew that even though it was hard, the raven haired boy tried his best to not overstep boundaries. Lance laid down on his back on the bed, draping the blanket over himself as he reached out his arms, trying to silently indicate that he wanted Keith to cuddle with him. The raven haired boy understood as his eyes began to shine with happiness and he climbed under the covers as well. He snuggled up to Lance, resting his head on Lance's chest and listening to the Cuban's heartbeat as he tangled their legs together. While the raven haired boy sighed contentedly, Lance felt like he was actually going to die. His body went completely rigid and his heart was beating so fast he was convinced it would jump out of his chest at any moment. After a couple of minutes of simply staring at the ceiling and trying to get himself to calm down, Lance noticed Keith's steady and quiet breathing indicating that he had fallen asleep. The Cuban began to unconsciously stroke Keith's hair, a small smile creeping onto his lips at the raven haired boy's calm expression. Lance fell asleep not long after.

The two boys were woken up early in the artificial morning by blaring arms and Allura's voice ordering the five paladins to get to their lions immediately. Lance quietly groaned as he jumped out of bed, reaching for his paladin armor. Keith got out of bed as well, already storming towards Lance's door so he could get to his own room and put on his suit too. The Cuban quickly pulled on the last piece of his armor, before grabbing the raven haired boy's forearm in a tight grip, Keith turning around to look at him in surprise. And although Lance didn't want to make the red paladin feel bad about something he had no control over, there were some things that simply needed to be said. Because if Keith got reckless during battle and let the venom of the bug affect his actions, they were going to get into some serious trouble and people might end up hurt. And Lance knew that the raven haired boy would never be able to forgive himself if it actually came to that. And even though the lovey-dovey version of Keith might not be able to understand that Lance was only trying to help him and make the entire situation easier for the raven haired boy after everything was over and the venom was out of his system, it still needed to be done. Hurting the one he loved wasn't easy for Lance either. He closed his eyes quickly and took a couple of deep breaths before talking.

"Keith, I know that this entire situation isn't your fault. But I need you to pull yourself together, at least until the battle is over. We simply can't afford recklessness in a fight like this. Do you understand?", Lance spoke in a stern voice, his grip on Keith's arm tightening slightly to lay emphasis on his words. Keith slowly nodded and grabbed Lance's hand before saying something that made the Cuban's heart melt. (Lance didn't think he would survive the next couple of days if Keith was going to keep up acting like a total cutie.)

"But promise you'll come back to me.", Keith whispered, his lower lip quivering slightly as he talked, the raven haired boy's eyes glazed with tears threatening to spill out. The Cuban nodded, a small smile creeping onto his lips as he raised their intertwined hands up to his mouth, leaving brief kisses on each of Keith's knuckles. The raven haired boy gazed up at the blue paladin with an expression of adoration and affection on his face.

"Always.", Lance breathed, letting go of Keith's hand to grab his helmet, the touch lingering. They both stepped out the door, entering the hall. The two of them went their seperate ways, Keith jogging towards his own room to pull on his armor and Lance sprinting down the corridor to arrive at the bridge as fast as possible, putting on his helmet in the process. The Cuban quickly glanced over his shoulder, watching Keith disappear when he rounded a corner.

All in all, the fight had been pretty chaotic. The five paladins had tried to form Voltron numerous times, but Keith simply didn't have his head in the game, his worry and overprotectiveness over Lance distracting him from the actual task at hand. In other words, team Voltron was miserably losing. Allura and Coran had decided to provide them with support, their screams still echoing in Lance's ears as the castle's partical barrier got destroyed shortly after, the ship losing all power when the Galra fired off another crushing blow. Lance charged after Shiro, who was trying to destroy one of the Galra ships with his lion's jaw blade, the Cuban firing at the cruiser's ion canon as a distraction. They had actually succeeded, a massive explosion ripping the spacecraft apart at its core. Lance did get a little sloppy admiring his work though as another Galra cruiser had already charged its ion canon and fired at him. The Cuban could hear his comrades scream his name over the comms as Lance's eyes locked onto the purple beam of light rushing right towards him. The Cuban braced himself for impact, spotting a flash of red as he let his eyes fall shut. Lance's eyes shot open at the realization that the blow didn't actually hit him like it should have and that the other paladins had begun to call a different name. Keith's name. Keith took the hit for him and the red paladin's lion had therefore lost power. Meanwhile, the Galra had released their fighters which immediately began charging after the four remaining lions. While the paladins were being distracted by the fighters stuck to their tails, one of the Galra cruisers had activated its tractor beam to steal the red lion. Lance (of course, who else would it be?) was the first to notice what was happening, groaning a little when Blue took a couple of hits from the fighters still chasing him which he quickly demolished by turning around and using his lion's laser.

"Guys, they're trying to capture Keith! We need to get him out of the cruiser's tractor beam!", Lance hollered over the comms, helping Shiro out who had been struggling with a couple of fighters attached to his tail. The Cuban gasped when one of the cruisers charged its ion canon and fired it at Lance, who could luckily dodge the attack quickly enough.

"Lance, I really wish I could but they're all over me!"

"Same here!" Lance let out a loud growl at that, trying to help his comrades out as best as he could by shooting at fighters charging after them with his lion's weaponry so they would be able to save Keith from the tractor beam. But it had already been too late, the Galra had captured Keith and his lion and were beginning to retreat.

"We can't let that cruiser get away.", spoke Shiro over the comms, as calmy as ever, the boosters of their lions at full power as the four of them began chasing after the Galra cruiser which had caught the red paladin. Each of them began attacking a different ship to keep the fleet busy for as long as possible, of course trying not too damage the cruiser Keith was in too much.

"Now, what's the plan, Shiro?", Lance asked, obviously sounding annoyed, as he attacked the ion canon of one of the cruisers.

"Someone's gonna have to get on that ship."

"I'll do it.", Lance answered in an instant, sounding as determined as never before. Shiro approved of the Cuban's plan to go on his own, asking him to be careful and act quickly, because if the ship went into hyper-drive, both him and Keith would be doomed. Lance took a couple of deep breaths before getting out of his seat and opening his lion's hatch.

"Here goes nothing."

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