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"Hello Sarah." She said. Her tone was the same as I remember it, trying to be kind but a slight snarl always showed through.

I inhaled sharply, forgetting to breath. "Mom, I..." I started. She looks much different than I remember, definitely older. Her face has more worry lines to it, her blonde hair to match mine was turning gray in the roots. She smiled, I see her teeth look much better than the last time I saw her.

"Look, I know I should be explaining myself..." She starts.

"Get out." I say flatly. I'm not ready to deal with her, six years does not make me any less angry than I was. I'd like to think I've changed, but she and my father just brought out the worst in me.

"Sarah, I'm..."

"Cut it out and just leave, please. I'm just startin' to get on track, I don't need a distraction."

"Okay..." She answers and leaves. But somehow I know she'll be back.


I watch out the window until I saw her car leave. That's when I started to cry, I can't deal with this. Not Johnny, Dally, and this terrible mother. I could just scream, so I do, muffling it in my pillow.

'Why, Why, WHY!' I thought. I started to punch my wall. I was so enraged, so filled with anger, that I could have probably broken my door right off. That's when I decided to stop and calm down.

I got in the shower to cool myself down, it seems to always work. I then decide to work on my contest piece, trying my best to fully concentrate on it.

I just give up a few tries later, knowing I'll never get anything good done. I move to my bed, my wet hair making a spot on my blanket. Why now? When everything was getting good, when I was moving away from my bad habits and trying to make good ones. I wanted to let go of my past, but she just reminded me of it all. All the pain I felt as a child. I don't want to go through that all again.

June 5, 1974 | The Outsiders Story BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now