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It's now almost the end of another school year. After our honeymoon to a beach house on the boarder of Texas and Louisiana, Pony and I had job interviews at the same high school we attended. We both got jobs, Pony teaching English and me Music. We both felt like inspiring students, and now it's pretty cool that we get to do It together.

Pony and I finally found a house. It's a colonial style home with four bedrooms and three bathrooms not to far from the Curtis household. It's beautiful, but it's kind of old and run down. I say it's gives it character, and Pony and I thought it would be the perfect place to raise our kids. It was good that we got this house so quickly because I'm three months pregnant.

Today is moving day, which everyone is super excited for. I pick up a box, "Uh uh Sarah, no heavy lifting for you. Don't wanna hurt my nephew." Soda jokes. He, as well as Pony and Darry, swears it's a boy, but I think it's a girl. I'm barely showing, so I don't know how they can even make predictions on the gender. Two-Bit and Steve aren't as involved with it, but I understand because it's not they're real niece or nephew. But, they're still uncles though.

"But I don't wanna feel helpless." I complain. I don't like watching others do all the work while I'm sitting back.

"I'm sorry." Soda says.

"You could unload the stuff we already have at the house." Darry suggests.


After a weekend of working, all our stuff is finally all in our house and put away. The last box is old stuff from Pony's parents, which Pony puts in our attic.

"I bet you guys are starvin'." I say. "I'll make dinner." We don't have much in the house, but we do have eggs and bacon. "How's eggs and bacon." Everyone agrees and I start to cook.

The boys chatter and laugh at the table in the kitchen while the smell of my cooking fills the air.

When the food is done cooking and I was getting plates out, I stopped. I've been feeling things in my stomach recently, kind of like butterflies, but right now it's really strong. I put my hand on the spot where I feel it.

Pony notices what's wrong and asks. "Sarah are you okay?"

I am confused, but then it hits me. "I think the babies kickin'."

"Really?" Pony asks, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Yeah, right here." I guide his hand to the spot where the baby kicks. His face lights up, and he kisses me with his hand still on my belly. "Do you guys wanna feel?" I ask Darry and Soda. I feel their hands on my stomach as they feel the baby kicking. Darry hugs me and Soda smiles very brightly.


After a long meal of laughing and thinking of old memories, Two and Steve leave. Darry was just about to leave with Soda when we stopped them.

"Hey Soda," Pony says. "Would you wanna come live with us? There's two extra bedrooms that need to be filled."

"Are you serious?" He asks us.

"Yeah," I reply. "I figured Darry and Alice might want some alone time." Alice is Darry's girlfriend. Pony and I have been betting on when he's gonna propose, as they got together right before our wedding. Darry likes to move fast, and the way he talks about her tells me he really loves her.

"Oh my gosh, I would love to guys!" Soda exclaims.

June 5, 1974 | The Outsiders Story BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now