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A new tradition with the boys and I is going to see fireworks on the Fourth of July. This is the third year of us doing it. I love these, we eat candy and pizza and lay together. We catch up, cause everyone's been very busy lately, and share news.

"So guys," Pony starts. He gets up from where we were watching the sunset together and turns towards the rest of the gang. "I got my letter from Hogan today." Everyone was smiling, Hogan was Pony's first choice college. "And the scholarship information will be in here too."

After weeks of consideration, Pony decided to become a high school English teacher. He loves books and he said he wants to inspire people. For my college, I won that contest that Pony made me enter four years ago, the piano contest. I entered many other small ones, then Pony convinced me to go in a bigger one a year ago. The prize was a full scholarship to study at Duran College of Music, and I won. The great thing about that is Duran is only ten minutes away from Hogan.

"Uh, I'm too nervous. Sarah, will you open it?" I'm super nervous too, but I agree to open it. I can tell that Darry's hanging on the edge of his seat, and Soda looks excited. I think he knows Pony's gonna get in.

I open the yellow letter slowly and get the papers out. I read the main page out loud. I read louder and faster with each word.  "Congratulations Ponyboy Curtis you have been accepted to Hogan college on full scholarship!"

I drop the papers and he pulls me off the ground and into his arms. "We're going to college!" He yells into the night. I kiss him repeatedly, so excited we don't have to be away from each other for college. When he puts me down, I have to pull my white lacy shirt with three quarter sleeves down and my jean shorts.

"My two babies are goin' to college!" Darry yells and picks us up from the ground. He kisses us both on the cheek and sets us down. I hug him again.

"Congrats Pony!" Two-Bit says and bro hugs Pony. "And we already know about your full scholarship Mrs. Piano over there." I punch him as he smiles at me and hugs me.

Steve congratulates us both and whispers in my ear as he hugs me. "I'm gonna miss you Sar." He says.

"Me too." I agree as we pull apart.

"And the best for last." Soda exclaims. He tackles Pony to the ground and yells. "My brother's goin' to college!"

"Look, you already know 'bout me. You should be congratulatin' Pony." I tell the boys. I known about my scholarship for about month now.


It takes another twenty minutes of us fooling around before it was dark enough for the fireworks to start. I feel Pony take a deep breath before he gets up from where we were sitting again.

"Since this is such an amazin' day already, I wanna make it better. Sarah Jane..." He grabs my hands and pulls me up. I glance at the boys, Darry and Soda are smiling sheepishly while the other two look dumbfounded. He holds my hands out and smiles at me.

"Sarah Jane Wood, I love you. I've loved you since I've met you, five years ago. It's hard to imagine that we've been dating for so long, but I can't remember a time that I was ever as happy as I am now before I met you. You've helped me through my parents', Johnny's, and Dally's deaths without even knowin'. You make me smile every time I think of your beautiful face. And your courageousness, kindness, motherliness, and pure beauty is an awe to me. So..." He gets down on one knee. I push my hands to my face and cover my mouth in excitement. "Will you marry me?"

The whole world stopped for a few seconds. I look at the boys, looking antsy and nervous. "Yes." I say. "Yes, I will!"

He gets up and pulls me off the ground. We kiss as the fireworks finally go off. We glance at the array of beautiful greens and purples, I smile at him. "I love you Ponyboy Michael Curtis." I say, almost whispering.

June 5, 1974 | The Outsiders Story BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now