Ch. 18 Deal or No Deal

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I woke to someone tapping my cheek. "Chica, time to wake up." More tapping. "Time to play chica."

I rubbed my eyes. Whoa...wait my hands are untied, and the blindfold hung around my neck. What he say? Time to play what? I look up to see a dark skinned man with curly black hair wearing dark sunglasses. Sunlight streamed in the window and a light bulb hung low over my head.

"Good your awake mi amor." His big grin showed two gold teeth. His thin mustache curved up at the corners. A large knife flashed in his hands. "Don't scream señorita. Te cortaré garganta."

I gulped. "What dose that mean? I didn't pay attention in class." Mental kick to the ass. Why did I have to say that!

He chuckled and tapped his chin with the flat side of the knife. "It means chica, I will cut your throat. Such a pretty throat, I would hate to see anything but my lips on it." He made a kissing jester.

Ugh... I want to vomit now. I reach up and hold my neck. What the he'll is going on. I just nodded.

"William shouldn't be much longer with the money he owes. After that señorita, you will be free." He sheathed his knife at his side and crossed his arms over his chest.

The door slammed open and Connor walked in. He had on a dark over sized shirt and boxing shorts. His face was swollen on one side and butterfly tape held a gash closed over his eye.

He stopped and stared at me. "Matarla." He said in his gruff voice.

My heart stopped. It was him! The voice from last night. Lance's brother is in on this? Did that mean Lance set me up? Why do I always fall for the wrong guy. My head dropped.

"You want to kill her mi amigo? Let me have her. I'll take her back with me to Mexico."

The guy made it clear what Connor had said. He wanted me dead. I bet it is because I seen his face. Money, kidnapping, killing, and Lord knows what else. My heart is sinking like the titanic.

Connor shook his head at the guy. "She knows and she is William's sister. I can't let her go now Fernando."

"Sí señor. Oh, tu padre dice que vengas a casa. I tell him you say no, but he keeps calling." Fernando shrugs his shoulders like what he just said didn't matter.

Connor's face turned red with anger. "Never!" He left and slammed the door shut behind him.

Fernando walked over to me and leaned over brushing his fingers through my hair. "Serás mía para siempre." He clicked his teeth like he suddenly forgot something, or was it the yelling from up stairs.

Something crashed to the floor above us and dust rained down. The light bulb swung and flickered. I'm so gonna kill William and Lance! If I ever come out of my room after all this.

Fernando walked out leaving the door cracked. I could hear arguing at the top.

Lance was yelling. "Where is she you sick bastard. I know it was you. William has the money outside. I want her now!"

Fernando talked softly, but I could still hear him. "Clam down señor. She is safe for now."

"You fucking Mexican bastard. I knew my brother was up to no good. Give her to me or I'll kill you and take her myself!"

"I'll make you a deal hombre, a match between you and this William to the death and winner takes the chica."

My heart dropped. No those two will kill each other over a cookie don't put me in it! Wait, I'm not tied up anymore. I jump to my feet and start to the door. A hand closes over my mouth and a firm arm wraps around my waist picking me up. I kick my legs back and hit solid shins.

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