Temporary Relief (P.O.V of Ayman)

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After the Safwan and Rehma incident, Thea and i wander off to some uncharted places in the city, in hopes that we don't bump into another 'secret' couple. As it starts to get late, we both decide to split apart and return to our homes. I was home by 6. At 7, I get a text from Enver saying, "Hey. Are we going out tonight?" . I had completely forgotten about my plans tonight. I rushed out of the house at 7:45 and drove to Enver's hotel. I decided to take him to this new bar that opened on 7th Avenue. Somehow, even through all this stress with my new book and everything, I still had time to track down everything that was opening in such a vast city.

We entered the bar at 10:03. Enver seemed extremely distressed about the heartbreak. We both decided to take a few heavy drinks to get into the mood, but, instead of getting into the mood, Enver kept rambling on about Amani after the drinks took effect on him. He constantly mentioned about how Amani had always been 'the one' for him. He couldn't believe how blind he had been all these years. I could tell that he was truly heartbroken. It was the first time in an extremely long time that I'd seen him like this. Over the years, he'd felt this way for only one other person. Never anyone else.  It broke me to see him like this. The only solution I saw to his pain was another temporary fling. It would be a bandage for his heart. So, I accompanied him to talk to many girls who were at the bar.

Surprisingly, we bumped into another old friend at the bar. Namira was visiting New York. We were catching up about old memories. Reminiscing took a large toll on me. I had a press conference the next morning. It was already 1 AM. I had to rush out of there immediately.

I said my goodbyes to Enver and left him to Namira. I hoped that he'd be happy once again. It hurt to see him overcome with melancholy.

By the time I was in bed, it was already 3 AM. There were 4 hours till my conference. I couldn't sleep. I texted Thea saying, "let's hang out tomorrow after 12. I'll be free by then"

She immediately replied, agreeing to the idea.

Soon enough, I drifted off to sleep, with a gut feeling that the next day, our experiences would just keep on getting more and more tangled.

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