Another One?! (P.O.V. of Ayman)

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I woke up with extreme anticipation of meeting Thea. We had planned to go out today again. It was around 10 A.M when I got a phone call from Enver. I picked up, but due to being in the subway, the call was constantly cut off. The only lines i heard from his side were "AMANI.....CALLED......BUT........NAMIRA.......LAST NIGHT.....". The two names threw me into a spiral of concern, but my worries were diverted soon enough.

Thea and I met at some corner of the ever sprawling neighborhood of Soho. It was jam packed by tourists and locals alike, as it was a Sunday. Today was my day because I was looking forward to venturing into a few of the designer shops in hopes of some retail bargains. Unfortunately, everything was out of stock. Luck wasn't on my side today so we just decided on going somewhere relaxing.

Central Park. That seemed like the only place we could go to where hopefully we wouldn't run into another high school accident.

There we were, so calm as we reached. Admiring the beauty of green trees and pink skies. Out of the blue, we see something in the distance. It looked like Rajorshi and Zayn was kissing. I wasn't so sure and Thea demanded to get a closer view. I didn't want to, but she insisted on and i agreed anyway.

It was them. I was surprised, but not so much after the reunion night. Their constant flirting basically foreshadowed a fling. Ironically, at that exact same time, I got a call from their third half, Tajwid.

"Hey man, I really need your help. The feelings are flooding in again. She's so beautiful. I've been in love with her since forever. I've tried to deny it countlessly but i've never succeeded. I'm this close to getting her if you'd just give me a couple of hi—" said Tajwid before i cut him off

"Look, I'd love to help but i'm really busy so call me later?" I replied

"Fine" and then Tajwid proceeded to abruptly end the call.

I wasn't looking forward to greet him with the bad news about his hopeless crush. She'd already ran off to temporary paradise with her on and off prince charming, Rajorshi.

In hopes of escaping them stealthily, we gambled and ran across the park in such a way they wouldn't notice us.

And they didn't, I think.

(We're back in full motion!)

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