The Reunion (P.O.V of Thea)

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Ah! I'm seeing them again after so long. It just seems like yesterday that I was walking into the boredom of having to do school at 6 in the morning but just seeing their annoying faces somehow made me feel that the day will not go bad afterall.I don't know why we never kept any contact with each other after Sunbeams, given the fact that we all said we would. The last I saw any of them was Ayman at our Stanford graduation, and then we just lost contact, somehow. Speaking of Ayman, though, 'Damn, he looks hot as hell!' but then I'm pretty sure that I'm not supposed to have such thoughts about my best friend. It didn't take enough time for me to realise that I whispered that instead of thinking it and someone heard it, specially someone who shouldn't have.

'#theaman', and with that Nameeda had just entered the bar.

'Oh God, Nameeda, leave it, it was 8 years ago!', I said.

She said 'Hmm, hmm, I get it, you don't need to 'explain' ', and started giggling.

I just ignored her and then moved on to meet the rest of them.


'God, where were you Enver? You do realise you're one hour late, right?' I said as I could spot him entering the bar. 'Sorry guys, I was talking to my father. Still have to give those updates about how my day was', he said. Amani said, 'Dude, you are 22, why do you still have to do that? You should be able to have your own independent life and freedom!, and ended with slamming the table, to prove her point, like she always does. 'Oh, Please!', I said, 'The only freedom Enver has is of dreaming of a box of chocolates....', 'which he isn't getting haha', Ayman continued. Enver made a sarcastic face and gave us the 'friendly finger', a classic move from our favourite Tv show, F.R.I.E.N.D.S . Amani moved towards Enver and said 'Stop irritating my 🅱!', and me and Ayman replied by saying, 'You mean your 'babyyy'!', and burst out laughing. She hit both of us on our head and with a pang of pain, we went. 'Ow!, that hurt'. As I was rubbing my head to get rid of the pain, I looked over to our next table. Nameeda and Tazwaar were sharing secret glances while talking to Neehan and Rehma. It seemed like something might be going on between them afterall. On the other hand, Rajorshi and Zayn were making conversation while Tajwid tried to be included in it, but clearly he wasn't. Really, I feel bad for that guy. He never had a chance with Zayn, never will, but he still can't move on from her.


As our time together, once again flew by, the moon was completing its final deeds and I needed a ride home. My only option was to ask Neehan, as he was the only one leaving the bar at the same time as I was.

'Hey Neehan, can you give me a ride home? I don't think I will find any taxi now, it's really close-by though'. Neehan agreed, and I got into his Ferrari. I still find it kind of impossible to believe that he did it. Neehan has a Ferrari now, and this is just one of the three he owns, one of them being custom-made. I heard he had that one made in Rainbow-colour, although I do wonder how they did that. But he still didn't get Afra, so there's that.

As soon as I enter the car, Neehan says 'Lemme give you the ride of your life, baby'. I seriously got confused as to what he was trying to say, until he started coming onto me and I got the hint. I immediately did what came first into my mind- punched him in the face and got out of the car.

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