How i became a werewolf.

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hey out there this is my first e book so this story will pretty much suck. if i decide to keep writing most will be for at least the hope to interest at least one view.

Chapter 1 pretty much intros not much else...

My eyes opened ,even inside and under a heavy blanket the cold still found my feet. i moved my hand free of warmth to test the temperature in the room it was stinging cold. "Great" I said "just great" it was still dark out i found my i pod touch and checked the time. it read 5:48 i still had about an hour before i left for school. Man i hate the cold after i found the courage and a sweatshirt next to my bed i got up even with the sweatshirt i was still cold so i headed downstairs. i sat in front of the fireplace for a while and went off in search of food clothes and the bathroom. everything was all sorted by seven i got my stuff together and waited for about ten minutes when my dad showed up to take me to school.

the ride was quiet as usual and i arrived at school like always with enough time but my backpack in my locker and be ready for first period. like usual i found the couch in the library, which sat in the center of the school, and relaxed after school the same old punks walked up to me. "Hey look, its dumb ass" their leader said Ethan was his name, next to him stood Nick and Ben. I tried to just ignore them and get to my dads for a ride home but they followed me like always. once we were out of sight they grabbed me, Ben and Nick restrained me by the arms while Ethan chucked my back pack as far as he could then he pulled a few cheap gut shots before they all left. i had long ago given up fighting them one on one i could do enough damage to avoid major injury but that almost never happened as they like to ambush and team up on me. i found my back pack and started on home when i came around a corner into a someone who ran into me i lost my balance and nearly bought it down a flight of stairs but a hand caught me in time. the person who looked about my size with blonde hair and very well built pulled me back to safety. "thanks man i owe ya one" i said "don't mention it " he replied "I'm Samuel" sticking my hand out to shake "Cody" he said and shook my hand.

"so you new to school here" i asked as nice as i could Cody hesitated for a second then said "yeah me and my just moved here". he seemed to have searching for the right word when he said 'family' "ok man so i guess I'll see you tomorrow" I said "yeah see ya" and i started walking i turned a few seconds later to wave but he was gone.

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