Chapter 11

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yo another case of late night writing syndrome well i wanted to wait till tomorrow but my mind said NO YOU WILL WRITE IT NOW and c'mon i can't argue with that anyway here's........

Chapter 11

everything was dark the kind of dark were something could be almost touching your face and you wouldn't know it i looked around nothing just black. Wait what's that a speck of light was off in the distance i tried to move but my body was heavy like my skin was 5 inches of lead. the speck became a dot then a blob just too far away to make it out ,I squinted it got closer it was a person. the person got closer and closer he/she was slender was slender and had long hair okay it's defiantly a she. The woman got closer she was nude and the face made my heart jump those intoxicating eyes with flecks of red had my full attention. "Amanda" the words flowed off my lips like a whisper she was a few feet from me a gentle smile on fer lips she cast off light that illuminated the area all around us. She stopped just in front of me and heat radiated off her like she was a sun in my dark universe ,I tried to reach for her but my arms were still lead. She closed the short distance between us and cupped my face in her hands and brought our lips together ,we engaged a deep passionate kiss. god she tasted deliciously sweet. She broke it off and started to drift away "Where are you going" i mouthed to her because my voice didn't work. "Why don't you follow" she replied and raised her hand for me to take. This time my arm moved slowly and I could almost feel her hand but she was drifting away faster "Amanda" i pleaded and started to drift my self toward her. but she sped up and vanished into the distance "AMANDA"!!!!!

My eyes opened just as I hit the floor my arms and chest were burned with pain ,my arms had bandages on them. I looked around huh my room i thought i was at a hospital for some reason. I got off the floor but head rush made me sit down on my bed I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head a little. "ow" the right side of my face hurt I reached up and felt a thin line that went down my forehead over my eye and down my jaw. I looked down and saw a sling at my feet i reached for it with my left arm but it started to hurt way to much. "I guess that's why this is here" i muttered as i picked it up with my right hand and put it on. I remembered the dream then that night "Amanda" crap i had to find her ,standing slowly this time i went towards the door. I opened it and went across the hall and opened Amanda's. I was scared now because her room was empty i walked as fast as my legs would carry me down the hall. the house felt empty ,wait there was noise downstairs I got to the ground floor fast ,it was coming from the kitchen.

I approached cautiously and tried to make as little noise as possibly in the kitchen was Cody ,Matt , and a few other pack members but at the counter sat the most beautiful dark brown with red streaks haired woman in the world. I leaned against the door way and cleared my throat everyone stopped dead some of the guys jaws dropped everyone's eyes went wide. Amanda turned around mid bite with a fork on her mouth that soon fell to the ground i couldn't help but smile at there expressions. Before I knew it though Amanda tackled me and was kissing away at my face while saying how happy she was that i was up and okay. She eventually just held me there on the ground with tears in her eyes i reached with my good hand and wiped them away. She looked up at me eyes glistening "I thought you were gonna die" she whispered "What you think a vampire is all it takes to kill me"? I said and gave her a smug reassuring grin she smiled back and held me tighter.

yey we lived and you guys thought I'd kill Amanda

anyway keep on reading writing comments and voting

PS check out Fall for You by LongHairedOutlaw


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