chapter 5

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Hey people whats up ,well here's chapter 5 but I'm starting to get writers block so chapter 6 might take longer to upload. and please leave comments i really do enjoy them. Anyway.........

Chapter 5

School actually really sucked today not only did I have 2 tests and a very very sore shoulder but neither Cody or Amanda were present I had given up actually arguing with myself because no matter how much I said it made no sense and I barley know her I still couldn't avoid it. I was way too happy for my own good when school ended as i ran out of class the exact second the bell rang and was at my locker before most kids got out of the room. and was outside before the first kid got to their locker I slowed at the normal spot that Ethan usually attacked but after a few seconds i continued "huh" i spoke out loud "I guess they took the h-" suddenly i felt something hard hit the side of my head everything went black and I passed out.

"Uhhhhhhh............" I groaned as i awoke great now my head and my shoulder hurt ,everything was blurry so i squeezed my eyes shut and reopened them that's better. A quick glance showed me I was only a few feet from where I was knocked out ,and when i tried to move and was held in place by two sets of arms confirmed that I was attacked once again by you know who. But this was different this time i was knocked out and Ethan.... "shit" he was holding an aluminum bat. this wasn't for his amusement this was revenge and it showed his normal dickhead grin was gone and replace by staring eyes. To my right was Nick who had a very nasty bruise and some tissues in his nose left was Ben who was also staring "hello dumb ass" he said in a raspy voice huh guess that punch did more than just make him gag. when i looked back at Ethan he had a bruise on his cheek where I had kicked him "You are gonna wish you'd never been born and when were done with you that bitch of yours Amanda will wish she'd never been born ,a girl". At the end his face a had a maniacal grin on it and he laughed I screamed at him and tried to lunge but I was stopped by Nick and Ben ,they rested all their weight on my shoulders and my right one lanced pain through my body. Ethan raised the bat high above his head and brought it down I shut my eyes and my life flashed in front of me ,shit I'm gonna die and my last thought... was of Amanda..........

OOOOOOoooooooo cliffhanger NOT keep reading

I heard the bat hit something with a smack but didn't feel anything I opened my eyes to the bat about 3 inch's from my head and a had holding the bat in place. I followed the hand to its owner ,Cody before i could blink he wrenched the bat away from Ethan and smacked him hard in the side with it he did the same to Ben and Nick. They all fell and curled up into little balls of pain Cody dropped the bat and offered his hand I took it "Thanks man ,I guess I owe you 2 now" I said "yeah ,but it's cool" he replied with a smile "why weren't you at school today"? I meant to say why wasn't Amanda at school today I don't know why but it seemed a little weird at that Cody was part of it. "well because me and Amanda were......" he trailed off and he stared at me I realized i was glaring but I couldn't help it "wait before you try to kill me I was gonna say we were getting ready for tonight". He realized that made it sound worse and cringed "I mean about your initiation" He said quickly I felt like the biggest idiot ever "Oh crap man Cody I'm sorry I was just so...." I hoped i didn't have to say jealous but he caught it or he just knew from the start. "dude it's fine I get it you just found your mate" MY WHAT "MY WHAT'!!!!! he looked at me like I had 2 heads. "oh right you don't know here lets find my car and I'll give you a ride to my place well talk on the way".

During about a 20 minute drive he divulged the reason for my intense feelings for Amanda the gist was that werewolves have mates for life and apparently werewolves live for about a ten times the normal human life span and that everyone has a mate and that the main affect on males was over protectiveness and hyper jealousy to anyone who could try to hurt or steal their mate. Since I seemed to fit the bill on all counts we started simple chatting "so Amanda's a werewolf too" I asked "Yeah man and trust me she feels the same about you ,you're the whole reason she wanted to help me out tonight". those words made my heart jump so she felt the same about me I let out a contented sigh I heard Cody laugh "Man you fell hard" "shut up how old are you" I joked "about 58" I stared "s-serious"? I couldn't believe it "yeah man we don't age until like the last leg of our lives" we sat in silence the rest of the way only broken when I called my parents and told them that I was spending the weekend at Cody's.

When we got there all I could say was "HOLY SHIT!!" we were pulling in to a house that made a mansion look like a trailer "You live here" i asked stunned "yeah it's the Alpha's and he built it so when the pack moved here we would have a place for everyone to stay" I was still staring "how many people are in your pack" I asked my eyes still transfixed on the massive house "twenty-five well twenty-six when you move out of your parents house" he replied "you expect me to move out of my parents house I'm still in high school!" I was staring at him the whole time he put up his hands to show he wasn't trying to freak me out. "I mean when you graduate in a month not now" I took a breath "oh okay sorry" I said "nah man it's alright besides it takes about a month for your change into a full fledged werewolf to be complete". he glanced towards the house "and look who's here to greet us" he said with a smile. returning my gaze to the house I saw the front door was open and on the door step stood Amanda.

Okay so give me a couple comments with a side of suggestions and a large thing of votes, thanks for reading ill upload as soon as i decide what happens next


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