Chapter 3

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Hey whats up I almost threw my computer out a window today because I actually wrought this part once already but forgot to log in so I had to rewrite it. anyway I'm very happy that I have people reading. here is.......

Chapter 3

Amanda the name repeated in my head ,she was beautiful but modest about it she had not overdone herself to look good she just did well to me at least. She was about 5.9 give or take an inch or two had dark brown hair with red streaks that went down just below her shoulders. She was wearing skinny faded blue jeans that had been torn off right below the knee with a yellow T-shirt and.. a black hoodie that had tribal tattoo marks that went down both sides of the it with faded out skulls all in white. WAIT i have the same zip up hoodie at home! "It's nice to meet you Amanda" said Mrs.Apples with a much nicer tone than the one she used with us "Why don't you find a seat" Then she spoke "Okay ,It's nice to meet you too" dear god her voice was beyond amazing. Wait what why had I just thought that ,she was scanning the room with her eyes taking in peoples faces when her eyes met mine. She let a grin spread across her face and giggled a bit and I realized i was staring and my mouth was open. I tore my gaze away and stared at my math book and my cheeks burned with embarrassment. I glanced around the room seeing the the other guys had similar expressions on their faces assholes! Wait what the..? why was acting like this it was so not like me to actually stare at girls sure I glanced once in a while but that was normal. actually the only guy that wasn't drooling was Cody he looked as if he really didn't give a crap. I was ripped from thought when someone snapped their fingers in my face "Huh...What?" I looked up to see Amanda looking right at me "I said can I sit here" she pointed the seat to my right that was empty. I look her in the eye but this time I could see her eye color it was a gorgeous color of hazel with.... red flecks never even heard of that before. "Hello?" she looked at me weird "Uhhh.....Yeah" I replied at last oh greet now I look like I'm a complete idiot. I heard giggles around the classroom and used all my strength not to blush and failed but I managed to lower my head in time.

The rest of the class I observed her as much as possible without her noticing but every time I stole a glance she seemed to know and look me in the eye which embarrassed me more. But I did managed to see what she wore and that she didn't have on makeup no reason to mess with perfection. and she had a wolf tattoo just below her right knee on the inside. after class I got to my locker and got going home fast I was still in deep thought about Amanda when I was ambushed by Ethan and his 2 lackeys. It was about the time when he usually slugs me in the gut but he looked at me and said "I saw you staring at that new girl today". Shit he was the very last person i wanted to see me....react to her "Well since she is way too hot for you I'm gonna take her and make her my own personal bit-" I never let him finish I was so full of rage right then that I turned my head fast to glare at nick the second he turned his head to look at me I smashed my forehead into his nose. He let out a painful grunt and released my arm I then made a fist and brought it straight into Ben's throat he started gagging and let be go as well. i looked straight forward to see Ethan rush me with with a raised fist the second he got within arms reach he grabbed my shoulder with his left hand and i grabbed his with both of mine. He froze utterly dumbfounded (I have a saying that is rather useful in fights "When outmatched...... Cheat" and it is rather a good saying) just as he snapped out of I brought my knee up into his groin with all my might. After that he fell to the ground and just tried to breath I grabbed his face and made him look at me "Listen here you stupid SOB IF YOU EVER TALK ABOUT HER THAT WAY AGAIN I'LL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I yelled at his face and got up I was still way too pissed so i gave him a swift kick to the face. it didn't knock him out but it would leave a nasty mark.

Halfway home I stopped I noticed my hands were shaking ,adrenaline I took a deep breath and made a fist "what the heck is up with me......I just beat up 3 guys over a chick i barely know and how did i get the strength to do it?" It occurred to me I was speaking out loud and looked all around me good at least no one heard me say that I thought. I looked forward and took a step at the same time and jumped "Jesus Christ Cody you scared me right out of my skin." He chuckled "For a guy who just beat up three dudes while restrained you scare easily" He said with a huge grin "and all for a girl" my eye went wide "don't worry I'll stay quiet" He kept grinning and i was about to thank him when I noticed his eyes looked familiar. and it hit me they were the same as the ones outside my window! My eyes grew wider and my jaw fell But his grin slowly disappeared..................

OOoooooo another cliff hanger Leave comments Votes and suggestiions after the beep


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