Chapter 4

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Hey people whats up? another chapter for you to read and if you like it comment.

Chapter 4

" you were outside my window that night"!? I said in complete and utter shock he looked around quickly and pulled me into the alleyway between two houses. "Yes that was me" he said in the calmest voice ever. I was about to speak when he answered my first question without me needing to ask. "Samuel..... I am....... a werewolf" I couldn't believe it we had always been told as children that werewolves and vampires weren't real but here was someone who I had seen be a werewolf. I ran my hand through my hair and just thought it must have been 10 minutes before we spoke. "Ummm ok question" I said "Shoot" "Why were you outside my window when I went to use the bathroom"? Really I had a thousand questions but this one came too mind first. "I was.......scouting you" he finally said using his best tone ,although I probably already knew the answer I asked anyway. "For what"? He looked me in the eye and very slowly and said "For...........recruitment". "What's that supposed to mean"? No I'm not stupid I knew exactly what it meant I just needed to hear it. "To see if you were worthy to of us". Before I could reply he said "But now I come to see if you want to.... Just think it over before you decide". And with that he walked off and round the corner after a few seconds I followed but he was nowhere to be found.

It was later that night and I had been thinking all day when something tapped on the window. Then again my mind was still boggled so it tuned it out until the tapping became continuous. Back it reality I opened the window and in swung Cody ,"dude what are you deaf"? I just blinked "no just thinking" I said "what about"? He asked I gave him a what do you think look and he said "Ohhh... right ,well you come to a decision yet"? "Almost but there's one thing first..." "which is"? He asked don't ask about Amanda don't ask about Amanda "Is-" "Yes" he cut me off with a very understanding look. "How do you know what I was gonna say"? I asked slightly annoyed and slightly intrigued "Because I know she's all you can think about". My voice was trapped in my throat right at that moment I made my decision ,But still couldn't speak so i looked into Cody's eyes and he understood. "Come with me outside" he said and beckoned me to follow once we were outside he said "Close your eyes". I looked at him weird but closed my eyes "So what are you gonna do now" I asked "Make you a werewolf duh" "And I need my eyes closed because...."? I heard him sigh "Because it makes it easier" I thought i heard cracking in front of me "Makes what eas-" Suddenly my shoulder was wracked with pain and I yelled and fell to my knees clutching my shoulder. I looked up and saw Cody with a apologetic smile on his face "sorry man its the only way" "how did closing my eyes help that"? I asked "well you didn't flinch or change your mind" he replied "but hey tomorrow night you'll change for the first time and that will hurt a hundred times more" he said with a cheerful smile "Gee thanks that makes me feel sooo much better" I said through my teeth "You are very much welcome" "I was being sarcastic" I said annoyed "I know" and he walked off into the night.

Okay once again from the top.....

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