Chapter 8

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Hey people sorry I've been out of it for way to long now and my school year starts on the first any way I've been thinking about starting another story and your comments on the thought would be greatly appreciated. aw well here's.....

Chapter 8

I let out a long yawn when I woke checked the clock to see 10 something another yawn came over me and i had to use the bathroom. As I washed my hands I splashed some water on my face and felt the growing stubble on my jaw. I liked it ,giving myself a smile went to my room door opened it my ears couldn't hear anyone in the hall or nearby rooms. After leaving the room I sniffed "bacon" I said to myself and walked all the way to the stairs without anything happening but I noticed that I couldn't hear anyone in the kitchen a smirk spread across my face. I walked casually into the kitchen went to the stove were there was half cooked bacon and got some tongs and flipped it ,went to the fridge and got some eggs. Cracked them open and scrambled em and put them into the pan threw some bread in the toaster ,when everything was about done I just had to ruin their fun. "Cody want to grab something to drink from the fridge" I heard him groan "And Jason how about you set the table" then i heard Jason groan. "How'd you know" he grumbled "When there was no one making noise in the kitchen or anywhere else in the house at 10 in the morning" I made sure it was loud enough so everyone knew the jig was up. About 10 seconds later the rest of the pack walked in Matthew was smiling like a proud father who had just watched his kid hit a home run. Most of the others were mixed between happy chuckles ,sad faces ,and hungry expressions and Amanda walked up behind me and gave me a big hug.

After breakfast we all got jobs from Matt I was last "Sam you'll go with Amanda into town and get food and other supplies" he handed me a list ,he got to call me Sam because I got to call him Matt ,one of the others called me Sam once and I gave him the kind of look that made anyone back off. Matt threw my car keys over me to Amanda "Oh and she's driving" he said i sighed my little racing stunt lost my driving privileges till tomorrow I was hoping he'd cut me a break. "C'mon Sam let's go" she beckoned me to follow and I did so apart from Matt she was the only one who could call me that we got to the car an I hopped into the passenger seat and we were off Amanda intentionally went as slow as possibly to torture me. But when we got to the store we loaded up on everything we needed and hopped back in the car even though she tortured me I still loved her. as we started out I expected another slow ride but she gunned it down the road yep I defiantly love her. she made sure to slow down before we hit the driveway so that she could still drive us places ,after we offloaded Matt gave me my keys back as a reward for today's performance.

Everyone only had one job during the day but we got more at night so before then I took Amanda up the mountain to the spot I had first changed. I turned off the car and we sat for a few minutes in silence before she spoke "So what's up why are we here"? I got out and beckoned her to follow I lead her into the woods a little until we found a small clearing maybe big enough for a large tent. "Wow this... is beautiful" she said it was beautiful because flowers had grown all around in this little meadow and a stream could be heard a few yards away. "Not as beautiful as you" I said while looking at her she turned to look me in the eye i walked over to her until we were only inches apart I was still looking into those wondrous eyes of hers. "I love you Amanda I always have and I always will" Amanda's eyes became soft "I love you too" and with that we pulled each other close and embraced into a passionate kiss. One of my hands on her mid back the other was closer to the top of her back her arms ere wrapped around my neck and one hand was in my hair. we only broke off the kiss to breath and i pulled her body so it was as close to mine as possibly and she did the same my foot slipped on the ground and we both fell and she ended up on top of me. we looked at each other again and we broke out laughing but after a few seconds we stopped and got lost in our love for each other and kissed for an eternity before simply laying there with her body so close to mine that I could feel her heartbeat and her chest move as she breathed. We stayed there till dusk when we needed to get back or get in major trouble but i ad no desire to move from our embrace until a sickening laugh broke the silence only a few feet away.


okay so comments and votes please i really like em so write them


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