Chapter 1

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4 years later....

Jimin was kissing his husband goodbye as he was leaving for work. He watched as he drove off then went inside.

It was still early In the morning so he decided to make breakfast for his little one before she got up. When he was almost done cooking his daughter came down with smile on her sleepy face. "Mmm, momma you're making pancakes." She said climbing one of the stool In front of the kitchen island. Jimin smiled, "Good morning sleepy head." He said placing down her plate of tasty pancakes.

She stared at them as if it was an angel descending from heaven and then suddenly it wasn't, as she munched on it with such a smile. Jimin watched her for a moment then remembered there was clothes to be out away and went up stairs.

He went to his room and started to put away clothes he had sitting in basket on his bed. While putting the clothes away, he found something he hadn't seen in years.

The ring Hoseok gave him.

Memories and feelings exploded inside of him. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to be happy that was all over but the feelings all mixed up had a negative effect on him. He started to tense up and hyperventilating, he even started hallucinate. He had to admit it, after that year with... he wasn't okay. He would black out and not remember anything. He would lash out for no reason at all, things got so bad he had to be taken away from his daughter to seek out help.

Jimin had this strong urge, he hadn't felt in a long time and it scared him.

Suddenly, his phone dinged and his screen lit up, pulling him out of everything. He looked at his screen and was show husband asking him to buy somethings for him for dinner since he wanted to make it that night. Jimin sighed and looked up, he was happy those feelings were gone.

He decided to get up and called Mimi upstairs. "Yes, mama?" She asked as she came up the stairs. " mama, needs to do some things for papa so I'm going to drop you off at daycare." He said, crouching down to clean the syrup left on Mimi's face with a  convenient baby wipe he had on him.

Mimi nodded and headed for her room. "Mimi, do you need help getting dressed?" Jimin asked as he watched her open her door. "No, mama, Mimi's a big girl." Jimin smiled, "alright, call me if you need help." He said entering his own room to get changed.


Jimin had dropped off Mimi and gotten the things, Jungkook need for dinner and was beginning to leave the market place when he got a random text message.

Hey darling, no time no see. I miss you...


Jimin ignored it, thinking it was sent to the wrong person and went on with his day. He got into his car and was beginning to turn it on when he got another message.

I went to go see our daughter today, and surprisingly she didn't even know I was her father. Why were you hiding me from her?


This was beginning to freak him out. At this point he had to check on his child and speeded out of there.

Once he got there, he talked to the woman who watched over the children. "Oh, Mr. Jeon, a handsome man with red hair came here and picked her. He said he was a great friend of yours and even gave me  picture proof."

Jimin was freaking out, his daughter wasn't here and as he was beginning to dial for his husband, he the received another message.

*picture of Mimi smiling*
Our daughter is so precious. I wish she would have seen more of me.


*picture of Jimin inside the daycare*
And as of you, you look as beautiful as the day we met with your terrified eyes. The look you have when your scared is so beautiful, I hated it when I got soft but if I didn't you would have tried to kill yourself again and I couldn't have that.


Jimin ran out side to find where the picture was from. He looked at the picture again, it looked as if it was taken from a car so he began to look at all the car and he found the one he was looking for.

Once the driver noticed Jimin rushing over, they started to drive off. Jimin decided to jump into his car and chase after it. There was many turns and bumps in the road it eventually Jimin lost them. He parked his car in from of his husband's work place and cried for a moment then call his husband.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry..."

End of Chapter one

I think I've gotten more confident in my writing, Yay for me!
Btw, some stuff is going to go down in the future so be ready for it and you have any questions don't be scared to ask.


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