Chapter 8

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[Unedited] (when is it ever edited lol)

Jungkook woke up to cold water being splashed on him. His eyes frantically dashed around the room. He was sitting in what looked like warehouse, he was chained to a chair with Yoongi not sitting to far away. He went to go call for him but instead got a hard slap to the face.

"Hey!" A person yelled. "Pay attention to me, don't you dare fucking look at him!" Jungkook felt a stinging pain in his cheek but looked up at the man he some how didn't notice. "Great, now that I got your attention, you are probably wonder who I am and why your here. Well, luck for you, I'm going to answer them both now." He said with fake enthusiasm. "I'm Hoseok, Jimin's 'ex-fiance'. I'm not too worried on the 'Ex' part since one of these days he'll come back to be one way or another." Hoseok said, thinking intensely about the love of his life.

Hoseok shook him head for a moment, snapping himself out of his mind. "Anyways, to why you are here. Uh, just to talk, I guess. If you knew before I was the great o' horrible Hoseok, you wouldn't have wanted to talk to me. Besides, it's not like I can kill you right now, there is already someone who wants to do that so I can't mess with you like that, just yet."

"If that's all you want then hurry the fuck up, I don't know about you but I've got someone waiting for me back home." Hoseok laughed, " You mean Jiminie? " Jungkook grinded his teeth, "don't call him that. " He said in a aggressive tone. " Why can't I? I used to call him that all the time, before he met you. By the way, Jiminie, knows what you did at the club and my babys' upset. " He said smirking evilly. Jungkook looked at him in shock. "Fuck... " He murmured.

"Yoongi, time. " Hoseok demanded. Yoongi pulled out his phone and read the time, " 4: 12 AM "

"Fuck, I'm running out of time... " Hoseok murmured to himself, " Take care of him, it's about time for me to get going. " He said walking away from Jungkook. "Where the hell do you think you're going? I thought you wanted to talk, so let's talk! I have all night. " Hoseok glared at him, " I don't think you know the position your in, so don't you fuxking dare start telling me what to do. What's going on now, is way beyond your control, if I really wanted to i could kill your parents and make it seem like it was just a car accident. "

Jungkook froze up a bit, his parents... When was the last time, he seen them? We're they okay? Are they still even alive? Hoseok turned away from him, he was satisfied with the worried reaction he got out him and continued on his way.

Jungkook shook his head as it stood down, "if you're as powerful as you make yourself to be then why can't you get Jimin back."

"I'm trying to get him to come back on his own. I want him to want to come back to me, he was to realize, we were meant to be. "

Jungkook did the tongue in the cheek thing, " You know you're so fuxking weird. Why him out of all things, why didn't your obsession have to be him."

Hoseok spun himself around to look at him, " Do you really want to know? It's because of his father, he killed my parents, he took them from me, so I took something else away from him, his only son. I was only ten years old and because of him I pretty much lost everything that I loved in at one moment. When Jimin was first with me, obviously I planned on killing him but the longer I was with him, he sparked up a flame in me and in the end I fell in love with him. Once I found out he could bear children, he just became even more unique. "

Jungkook stared back with a shocked look, "What? You didn't know. " Hoseok blow up with laughter, "let me get this straight, you never know your own husband to get pregnant. I mean I don't fully understand why he can but stil-" Hoseok blow up with another set of laughter. "Yoongi take this fool, he's killing me. " He said walking away.

Chapter 8 fin.
I was going to make this chapter longer but it would have taken even longer for this to come out.
Guys, you can already guess this but there's going to be a big o' argument
Be ready lol

Cya' 👋👋

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