Chapter 3

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Jimin sighed, and decided to reply:

Why are you still doing this to me!? You already put me through a year of hell, what more could you get out of this!?

Jimin hit send, but this time he didn't get an immediate answer. He began to get nervous, and began thinking about all the bad scenarios.

Jungkook tapped Jimin's shoulder. "Babe, We're here." he said taking off Jimin's seatbelt. Jimin nodded, and started getting out of the car. Walking over to the small house, you could already hear little cries from the twins. Jungkook knocked on the door, and a minute or two later, Namjoon answered. He looked drained of all energy but still greeted them with a smile. " Hey guys, long time no see. Where's Mimi?" He asked

Jimin sighed and looked down. Jungkook quickly comforted him, " She's why we're here. Can we talk to Jin?"

Namjoon looked at them with a confused look, "uh, yeah, come in." He said moving a side letting the couple in.

"Jin is currently in the twins bedroom trying to put them to sleep I'll get hi-" Jimin interrupted him before he could finished. "No, I'll go to the room. " He said passing Jungkook and Namjoon.

He walked down the Hall where the cries could be heard the most. He opened the door to a sleep deprived Jin trying to get the twins to sleep.

Jimin came in and took the crying baby from Jin's arms and started to started to sing a lullaby has he walked over his crib and gently laid it down. He then walked over the other crib and gently traced his thumb on the second baby's head. Jimin sung beautifully and soon enough the babies we're asleep and Jin was stung.

"How did you do that???" Jin asked. "It worked with Mimi." He answer. "Anyways, I'm here for a reason, I would like to talk to you about your brother." He asked whispering as they left the twins room.

"About my brother? What about him? Last time I heard about him, he was still in prison." Jin said. "If he still in prison, tell me how the hell did he get my number?! Tell me how the hell did he take my daughter?! Uh? Tell me Jin, how the hell...did he do it?" Jimin whispered the last part as tears ran down his facebut he quickly tried to wipe them away.

Jungkook's senses when off and he ran over to comfort Jimin with a confused Namjoon right behind him.

Jin looked at him with a surprised look what do you mean he took Mimi!? Jimin, what happened to that beautiful little niece of mine?" At the moment, he obviously couldn't explain,so Jungkook picked Jimin up and settled him on the couch, quickly leaving a kiss on his forehead before leaving him, he then sat Jin and Namjoon down and tried to explain what happened. Within moments tears we're pouring, Jungkook, himself was barely holding back, for he had to be strong at least for Jimin.

Jimin had fallen asleep on the couch. Jin told him is was alright for them to stay the night. So Jungkook carried Jimin to the guest bedroom. He carefully laid Jimin down and got him comfortable. He empty out Jimin's pockets along with his own, and set it out on a bedside table.

Just as he was about to get into bed with Jimin, Jimin's phone lite up, and a message popped up on the screen. After knowing that Hoseok guy was texting Jimin, and took his daughter, he like he had the right to see the text.

After unlocking Jimin's phone, this is what the text said:

Jiminie, darling it's not what I can get out of you, it's about what I can do to you next. I'm excited to see you again Jimin, make sure to wear your petrified face, that face is turn on for me. Haha, but I guess you wouldn't get it.

P. S. I think our darling little Mimi is lonely, we should try giving her a sibling some time soon.


This enrage Jungkook, he shouldn't be talking to his husband like this. He walked outside with the phone and did something not even Hoseok thought he was do.

Actually call him.

Chapter 3 fin.

That was dramatic, sorry 😂

Any thoughts about this chapter?

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