The Real Chapter 4

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Trigger Warning: things like depression, rape, bullying, and suicide are brought up in this chapter.



Jungkook called the number.


Before the third ring, Hoseok picked up the phone, "ahh, look who it is calling me at this time of night. Jeon Jungkook, why did you call?"

"Wait, who did you know it was me? I'm using Jimin's phone. " Jungkook questioned.

Hoseok sat down in his chair and looked at his nails, "how do you think? I have eyes and ears everywhere, Jungkook. Don't think you're safe at my brother's house. Cause I'll come for what I want when you least expect it. "

Jungkook let out an uneasy breath, " you can come and try but while I'm here there's no way, you'll be able to lay a hand on him. " He said, trying his best to sound confident.

Hoseok scoffed, "you can lie to your self all you want, but at the end of the day, you'll still be the one to piss your pants. You may not know what I'm talking about but let me refresh your memory. Your best friend in high school, Kim Taehyung, you know the one you let die cause you couldn't save him. "

Jungkook was shocked, "h-how do you know about Tae? "

Hoseok ignored him and continued, " You knew he was raped by your brother Jungkook, Why did you try to stop him? Why didn't you try and help your friend, Jungkook? Huh? "

Jungkook was getting pissed, "what do you fucking know?! I tried to help him, I really fucking tried! "

"How's spreading rumors about him being a slut, helping him? You humiliated him, caused him to get bullied and become depressed. Things got so bad to the point, he decided he had enough. "

Jungkook clenched his hair, and started crying, for the guilt was overwhelming, "shut up! Shut up! Shut the fuck up! It isn't my fault! I never meant for that to happen! "

Hoseok smirked, "He killed himself, Jungkook, because you were selfish, everyone loved Taehyung,you secretly, hated how popular he was. All because you wanted to be popular, you wanted people to look up to you. You told your brother to have his way with him, you started the rumors, you caused his death. "

Jungkook was begging at this point, he couldn't handle the guilt, "p-please just s-stop."he said through tears.

Hoseok laughed and hung up the phone, he was satisfied. He cracked Jungkook and it was easlier than he Imagined.

As he was thinking about his accomplishment, there was a little knocked on the door, " Appa, the thunder outside is loud and scary. Can Mimi sleep with you? " Mimi asked after opening the door and walking over to her father while holding a little teddy bear he got her.

Hoseok smiled at his daughter, " Of course, sweetie. " He said, picking her up and placing her on to his big bed. He then kissed her forehead and got in bed with her until she fell asleep. Making sure to comfort her whenever the thunder and lightning outside got too loud.

End of chapter 4

Hopefully it wasn't too bad for you guys.

You now have some background of JK and know why Tae hasn't shown up at all in this FF.
Anyways bye~!

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