Chapter 7

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Hoseok sat in bed with his daughter beside him. She was sound asleep, as for Hobi, he was waiting for a important call. He stared at the window, watching the rain fall. There was sudden knock on his door, making his eyes quickly advert towards the door.

" Jackson Wang is here to see you, sir." The butler of the house said. "Have him wait for me in the private meeting area." He said getting out of bed as the the butler bowed and left the room.

Hoseok was currently on his home town, staying in the house he grew up in. His parents might not have been alive but his grandparents were and they're the reason, his parent's house was clean and up to date, though no one lived in it, up until now of course.

Minutes later,  Hoseok walked into the meeting room, where his guest was waiting for him. "Long time not see, Jackson. " Hoseok said, sitting down across from Jackson. 

"You know what I was up too. " Hoseok chuckle.

"Of course, I assume you're here to make a report."

Jackson nodded, "Jimin reacted like you said he-" There was a knock, making both men look towards the entrance. "Excuse me sir, Miss Aria is here to see you." The same butler from earlier said. "Bring her in. " Hoseok ordered. 

Seconds later, Aria came into the room and sit besides Jackson. "You owe me big time, Hoseok. You just lucky, he was cute and his dick was great or I would have said no to this shit. " Hoseok rolled his eyes, "yeah, I know you would have. Anyways, you both did your jobs, greatly and I'm grateful for the help. You two got me a-"

"A step closer to my one and only true love. We know." They finished.  Hoseok laughed, " You guys know me so well." Suddenly, he became super serious.  "Aria, where was Jungkook when you left him." Aria pulled out her phone,  "he was still lying in bed. I placed the tracker on him, currently he's about two blocks from the house." She said putting his phone away. "Get all we need is-" Hoseok was interrupted again. "Our man back in Seoul to do his part. "

Hoseok nodded and the conversation went on. After some time, Hoseok got up, "well, it's time to go to work, I must be on my way. " Hoseok said walking towards the door. "Why did you have to say it like that?  You could've said, 'I have to go' or some shit." Jackson said.

Hoseok turned around before leaving the room, "Don't judge me, bitch."


J. J. K

"Hyung? " Jung look said unsure.  The man let him go and Jungkook, turned to face him. The man chuckled,  "How did you know it was me Jungkook?"

"I could never forget your voice, Yoongi Hyung. What happened to you, I haven't seen you in 5 years!!" Jungkook yelled in shock. " I'm sorry, it's just things are more difficult for me, about 4 years ago,  I got into a middle of a "fight" And ended up getting shot in the middle of it. I had to stay in hospital for about two to three weeks. Even after getting out of the hospital, I still had a hard time breathing and I got tired quicker. It's was horrible. Seeking of which, I think I need to sit down, Jungkook, can you take me to my car." Jungkook nodded "Okay, but where's your car? " He asked.  "It's a cross the street." Yoongi answered. Jungkook help Yoongi to his car with the up most care, he was able to get the door unlocked and sit him down.  "Thanks, Kook. Do you think I could take you some where- there's this really cool bar down town, that we could get some drinks at." He said smiling softly.  "Uh, I don't know I already drunk too much tonight and besides it's already late. I should be getting home."

" Aww, come on Kook, think of it as a celebration of fate bringing us back together. Please, tonight is that only night I have open. " Yoongi tried giving him a cute pleading face but ended up getting a cringed face in return.  "Ughh, fine hyung. Just stop doing that face, it makes me want to vomit." He said getting into Yoongi's car.


Yoongi and Jungkook exited the car in front of their desalination and started to enter, already almost getting punch by a broken out bar fight. It was lous for a while before the bartender broke it up. 

"I'm going to go look for the bathrooms, go ahead of me, you already know what I like." Yoongi nodded in understanding and walked up to the bar. "Two Whiskys please. " He said to the bartender.  Within seconds,  the bartender slid them both over.  "I-I did what you asked me, sir. Now p-please let go of my son. " The frightful bartender whispered "If tonight goes as planned, he'll be released if not... Well you know. " Yoongi said in a low aggressive voice.

Before the conversation could continue, Jungkook walked over. "Fully relieved, I see." Yoongi said passing Jungkook one of the two glasses. "Thanks." He said gulping the whole thing down, placing the glass onto the counter.  Jungkook looked up at the bartender and asked for another, he turned to Yoongi and his head suddenly started to hurt, the room was spinning, and his eyes kept going in and out of focus. "Yoongi... " He said weakly, "what's happening to me. "

"Sorry, Kook, I got orders from my boss. I wish we could of reunited at a better time. " He said as everything faded to black.

Chapter 7 Fin.
Alright guys thx for reading!!!
Give me your opinion on how you think I'm doing... seriously i'm curious. Also, try to guess what's happening next chapter.

P. S sorry it took me so long to update, anime got in my way

That's all for now, Bye~!

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