A/N; So how was the last part I tried to make it as realistic as possible but I only had my parent's wedding from nine or ten years ago to go off of so sorry if it was bad but now to the story.
Your POV
It's the day after Shadow's wedding and him and FS Chara came to hangout and chill, because they are from different AUs they decided to move to this one, at one point I could swear I heard the neighbors arguing loudly as me and Shadow were on our last lives fighting his lv 50 amiibo in 'smash bros'. It distracted me for a minute and I nearly died but made it back and smashed it we won. "Yes we did it but now I need to use the toilet," Shadow said, "be right back." When he went over to the bathroom I went to the bedroom where the girls were but before I got there I heard more shouting, "Get off of me you slutty bitch!" and then I saw Frisk flying back through the door and smash into the wall. I look into the room and see a bottle of very potent alcohol and a very drunk FS Chara. "What did you do Chara you nearly killed Frisk we are going now." I yelled, my eyes starting to glow. Before she could say anything lights surrounded her on the ground the same with me.
We teleported into a field surrounded by trees, with no one around.
"What did you just do to us?" She asked. "I warped us to somewhere that nobody can intervene in this fight. Now what to do with you?" I say as my skin begins to peel away to show the galaxies around my eyes and down my right arm. My eyes glow brightly, my left is blue like Sans' and my right is glowing gold. When Chara sees this she begins to back away until she is up against a tree, she is scared for what I'm about to do. "You have insulted my wife, you hit her so hard that she flew out the door and left a mark in the wall, you did that in my house, and I don't care if you were drunk or not you will pay for your actions." I say with my anger rising my voice getting slower and more serious, it seemed to scare the drunk right out of her (it was at this moment that she knew she f***ed up.). "Now I will say this once so listen up; you will pay for your actions, then Shadow will come to get you, he will bring you back to the house, and you will apologize. Now remember since Shadow is a friend I won't go full force on you, this is just a demonstration."
Fellshift Chara's POV
The way he is talking, it is terrifying. I'm using all of my strength just to stand in his presence. "Now before we begin I'll tell you that you won't be able to teleport away I'm the only one who can teleport in this field's barrier."
You seem to just stand there while attacks are flying at FS Chara. She runs up to you and uses her knife to try and slash you but it just passes right through. "What?" "Hey, up here!" She looks up to see you slow down, she tried to cut your after-image, "You won't be able to harm me with a speed like that." You summon GBs and she jumps out of the way but as she does her soul turns blue and gets slammed down dealing ten points of damage. When she gets back up you are gone again, until a ring of stars appears around her and falls into the ground. She continues to dodge your attacks but was using up her energy while you were using almost nothing. As she keeps dodging she falls into your trap. "You idiot you should watch the ground when you fight," you say. She looks down and sees what you have made.
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(imagine that instead of the dark gray bricks it is emerald green grass and the circle is gold)
It was a transmutation circle, Chara jumped up only to be stopped by you smacking her back into the ground, "Wow you really FELL for it didn't you? You should SHIFT your tactics and just give in, or else you will have a BLAST." and on cue, the stars that you had sink into the ground, forming all of the lines, blew up sending her flying into your hand. "R E M E M B E R, T H I S, I S, J U S T, A, D E M O N S T R A T I O N." and you drop her from 20 feet in the air and catch her five feet above the ground you bring her down the rest of the way, not wanting to kill her. You look at her life
HP 0.5/99
Your POV
"Never cross me like that again, because I was playing with you using less than a percent of my strength." She just stares in horror, she went all out trying to stay away and you put almost no effort into it and nearly killed her. "I-I'm sorry it w-won't happen again." She says sobbing and wincing in pain. "Stay here Shadow will be right here in a minute." I warp away breaking the barrier in the process. When I get home I see Sans standing over top of Frisk laying her down on the couch. "did you do this? because if you did you are going to have a B A D, T I M E." he says. I just tell him that I didn't do it and what really happened. He accepts what I said as truth, and Shadow overheard what I said, he comes down and gets in my face his eyes glowing red, "Trying to intimidate me won't work, I did what you couldn't, I scared FS Chara so badly that the drunk ran from her. She was so scared that she backed up from just being in my presence while I was angry. Right now she is in this forest clearing with .5 HP, go get her." when I said that I felt fear emanating from him and even Sans, but I ignored it as Frisk was waking up. Shadow ran to get Chara and Sans teleported to Toriel to say something, leaving me and Frisk totally alone for the first time since we got married. "Hey sleeping beauty, how's your head?" I ask in a sincere voice a complete and total change from what it just was moments ago. "It's feeling better since you're here." she says in a happy voice. "That's good to hear." I pull up her soul,
HP 0.01/20
"I swear that she won't hurt you like this again, she already learned her lesson." Frisk just looks at me and we slowly get closer to each other and kiss, as I put healing magic around my hand and put it on her stomach. As I place my hand on it I feel a kick, I pull away and gasp she just smiles knowing that her baby is alright. "It is going to be strong, like the both of us." She said with tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face.