A/N the timeline + a short Q and A

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Hey guys just checking in on you and to clear up any confusion about the timeline here is a simplified version of it.

November 3, 2006: Zero dies in (Y/N)'s arms after defending them from an escaped convict

May 15, 2015: Clara broke up with (Y/N)

May 16, 2015: Clara nearly died at the hands of Cypherous

March 22, 2018: (Y/N) fell into the underground and a different dimension 

March 23, 2018: Asgore broke the barrier

June 10, 2018: (Y/N) bought Frisk a ring and got plans ready for her b-day

June 13, 2018: Frisk's B-day, (Y/N) gets taken over by Cypherous

June 14, 2018: (Y/N) woke up in the hospital after the fight everyone had with Cypherous

June 15, 2018: (Y/N) gave up part of his soul to bring Asriel back and took the demon out of Chara, met with Darklord

June 16, 2018: (Y/N) was discharged from the hospital, baby business with Frisk, proposed to Frisk

June 17, 2018: Cypherous comes back and him and (Y/N) fight

June 19, 2018: Monsters have been healed, (Y/N) asks Darklord to train him

June 20, 2018: (Y/N)'s training starts

June 30, 2018: (Y/N)'s training with Darklord ends

July 3, 2018: (Y/N) and Frisk's wedding

September 3, 2018: Shadow and FS Chara's wedding

September 4, 2018: FS Chara hurts Frisk and (Y/N) makes them pay for it

December 4, 2018: Nursery for the baby is started, baby is now known to be a girl, Clara returns and used soul magic to make (Y/N) throw up a hate substance, Darklord is known to be (Y/N)'s brother Zero, (Y/N) accidentally summons John a child-like embodiment of (Y/N)'s overflowing power

December 5, 2018: (Y/N) takes John to Zero to ask what to do and John stays with Zero so he can be studied further

February 5, 2019: more training with Zero 

March 5, 2019: Frisk and (Y/N)'s baby girl Lily Rose (L/N) is born

Wow the timeline is actually a lot shorter than I thought it would be now some answers to ten questions I think you might have and if you have anymore just ask it in a comment and I will answer it. 

Q1) Will I refer to Zero as a dead uncle or not for Lily? No he is very much alive.

Q2) Will I say Zero's POV or Darklord's POV from now on? It depends on what I feel like writing.

Q3) Does anyone know about Lily being born yet? No they don't, it was an emergency and (Y/N) was at Frisk's side the whole time.

Q4) Will Sans teach Lily how to use magic? Yes and no, not until Lily is about 18 but he will reveal his magic to protect her if need be.

Q5) Will Lily be fed with a bottle? Yes.

Q6) Does Lily meet everyone from the underground? She will meet with the more important ones and maybe Monster kid.

Q7) What is Lily's soul trait? I'm saving that for a part very soon so stay tuned.

Q8) What is the chance of more AUs to be inserted? I so far only plan for two or three more AUs but if more are requested they might be added.

Q9) Can anyone use the Galactic power? No only those who have certain souls can.

Q10) Will (Y/N) go insane if someone hurts Lily? You will see.

Bonus question; Will you make anymore stories? I might if this one can reach a high enough popularity I will, but it will be another Undertale one if it happens, and I will make some OCs for it.

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