"I'll do it." The dark figure says "Who the hell are you?" Gaster shouts. "I am his brother and I am going to be the one to get him back here after all he is the last family I have." Gaster looks at Frisk and agrees to letting him go in.
Frisk's POV
I watch as he steps into the machine and it sparks to life. In mere seconds he disappeared.
Your POV
"I am floating here, it is so peaceful here I wish that someone would come to keep me company." I just keep floating with not a care in the world, until the world goes black and I fall when I rise to my feet I look forward to see a black four legged dog-like, ghost-like creature watching me. I approach it slowly and it speaks to me "Greetings I am Shade, the spirit hound. I am here to give you a trial if you pass it then you can go back to any AU your heart desires. My trial is for you to select one of the three portals I have summoned. Then you are to fight and defeat the guardian there, if you choose the correct one then you can leave but if not then you stay here for all eternity." I see three triangular portals and the two of us in the middle. "You know I've already seen through this trial's trick. The real way out is you. Am I right?" It looked surprised from what I said. "Yes you are correct so let us begin." It dives at me with fire surrounding its jaws. I side step out of the way and it crashes. "This battle is also a trial isn't it, if I defeat you then I will be trapped here so I need to keep dodging right?" It looks agitated "How do you already know the tricks of the trial nobody should know them?" "I don't it just seems like it makes sense, I kill you and you turn to dust, now I can't get out. I figured out that you were the way out because you could open three portals to three different places at once, and sustain them for at least fifteen minutes." As I give my reasoning behind my answers he gets calmer and says "I see, so was my trial really that simple, if so then why is it that I fool most people with the tests?" I look at him and say "I just simply have a different mindset then most 'normal' people." He looks at me and lowers his head in defeat, "You have passed my trials so you can now leave this place, it seems that someone is here to take you back." I turn and see Zero walking up to me when me made it to me he asked where I had been for the past few weeks. I stare and say that I had never moved from where I was. He then took my arm and brought me out of here. When we came out Frisk and Gaster looked at me like they saw a ghost. "(Y/N), is it really you, are you really back?" I stare and smile "Back and in the flesh." She ran to me and embraced me then the machine sparked back to life and Shade came out and sat at my feet then asked if he could stay with us, and we just accepted him with a pet on his head.
Shade looks like this
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A/N sorry for the short chapter but I couldn't do much without a lot of time.