Eye need you

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Your POV

It's been three months since my fight with FS Chara and we forgave each other, but today is the day that Frisk finds out what gender the baby is and UT Chara took her to the hospital to get the ultrasound done while the rest of us including Paps and Asriel worked on extending the house and adding a nursery in for the baby. "HUMAN (Y/N) WHAT DO YOU THINK THAT THE HUMAN CHILD WILL BE?" I chuckle, "Paps I really don't care what the baby will be boy or girl they will be my precious little love-ball, and thanks again for helping with the house you guys." "No problem you and Frisk did let me and Chara crash here for five months, I need to repay you." Shadow says. "Yeah and you did give me a soul again, and I still haven't repaid you so it's the least I could do." Asriel says. "YES AND I THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL ALWAYS HELP A FRIEND!" After we finish talking we get back on the house and I'm surprised; me, Asriel, and Shadow are working on the outside of the house while Papyrus is working on the interior because he doesn't need to breath so he is unaffected by the insulation, and FS Chara is getting the materials to us; but in such a short period of time we are almost done making the new room and the extension on the house. after half an hour UT Chara and Frisk pull up to the house and Frisk comes running out of the car. "So what is it, a boy or a girl?" everyone comes over to hear what she says apparently she didn't even tell Chara on the ride home. She starts jumping up and down excitedly.

"(Y/N) our baby is what I wanted, a girl!"

I gasp in surprise as the words flew out of her mouth and hug her tightly, a girl, it didn't matter to me if it was a boy or girl, but now I'm happier to see that Frisk is so happy. "Our little girl, she is going to be beautiful just like her mother." I then tell the girls to go to the store and pick out paint, a crib, and some clothes for her, and they leave without question. "hey man good on ya a little girl, i can see it now i'm gonna be a dunkle." I turn to see Sans with a smile bigger than ever on his face and Toriel with her hands over her mouth. "My child is going to be a mother I'm so happy." She said as she fell to the ground in tears of joy. "so when is she expecting?" Sans asks me in a pleasant tone. "In a little over three months, and before I forget, why'd you two come over?Because I know you lazybones, you aren't going to help out and Toriel you shouldn't have to help, we got this." They looked at me like they forgot why they came over. "oh yeah we came because tori wanted to bring over a butterscotch cinnamon pie and i need to get paps home, it's kinda getting late and he wanted to have spaghetti with us before our trip tomorrow." I nod in understanding, take the pie and bring it in and come out with Papyrus. "LET US GO HOME BROTHER AND QUEEN TORIEL." We wave goodbye and finish for the day, "Well the new space is about 75% complete, and in one day too. We make a great team guys. So same time tomorrow?" "Actually I won't be able to make it tomorrow I promised Muffet and Grillby that I would help make renovations to their restaurant but if you can swing by and help that would be great." Asriel said.

time skip to nine pm

"The girls are walking in the door now." I hear Shadow say as I'm cleaning my room. I run out and slide down the railing to see the girls at the door talking, until Frisk sees me and runs over to and kisses me. "Welcome home girls how was your shopping trip?" "It was wonderful, in fact I joined them to see if it was true." a voice I don't recognize say. When I look up I see who it is that was talking, I look away in horror nearly throwing up, it was Clara. How was she alive I know Cypherous killed her three years ago. "If you're wondering how I'm alive, let me tell you. After you went berserk on me in our sparring match and nearly killed me, I was moved to the hospital where I met a demon, god, thing, who said that he would heal me and take me to a different world so I could survive. I accepted his offer and was brought here, and after three years you come here, help free the monsters, marry Frisk, and get her pregnant. All while I thought about what I did that day before. So when I heard that Frisk here was married to a (Y/N) I just had to see if it was you." "Clara I'm so sorry for what I did back then but it wasn't me that went berserk, after I was taken home my parents told me of a curse that was put on me when I was a baby." After telling her she said that she forgave me a long time ago, I felt another wave in my stomach. "Oh god." I say, Frisk looks at me and asks what was wrong, and it comes up. It's black as it hits the ground. Everyone goes wide-eyed at the sight as I fall, Frisk is the first to get to me but my vision blurred before I could say anything.

Frisk's POV

I gasp as he fell to the ground, and I drop down to him trying to help but nothing is happening. "Get Darklord, he was able to save me when I was like that." I hear Clara say. Shadow then picked him up and went through a portal into the darkness with FS Chara. As they leave I hear Clara laughing as she walks out the door. "He deserves the pain for what he did to me." I cry so hard that the neighbors even came to see what was wrong "Linda I don't care, right now I have to wait for him to come back or at least for Shadow to come back to tell me his condition is stable." She just huffs and starts to leave "Stupid bitch, I can see why he left you." When me and Chara hear that Chara got up and pinned Linda to the wall with her knife, "He did not leave Frisk he was dying, throwing up some black thing, so you need to shut the f**k up and get out or you will die too. GO!" with that Linda ran out the door and Chara comes over to comfort me and I fall asleep in her arms.

Darklord's POV

FS Chara and Shadow come running into here carrying (Y/N). There it was coming from (Y/N) I need to stop it before it becomes lethal. "Move both of you let him go!" As they do another wave of the black comes up. "Damn. How long has he been like this?" "It just started when he saw someone he recognized, I think her name was Clara, right." Shadow responds. "Damn that girl, what did she do to him?" they look at me like I'm crazy. "All she did was talk to him and look him in the eyes." Great she has gotten so powerful to be able to do this just by looking at him in the eyes...Wait his eyes. "Hold him down, sorry (Y/N), this is going to hurt." I need to do this. As they hold him still I look him in the eyes and see his soul it's getting black, "Hatred," I say quietly. I open my eyes completely and use all of my power, "Okay let him go now." He jumps up and his eyes are black and to stop him I launch my attack directly at his eyes. A burst of light hits, I go up to him and grab him and my body dissolves into his. As I reform inside of him I see the giant amount of it. "To absorb the hate and turn it into energy I will need to fight him." Then I see (Y/N) I know that it's not the real him but I also know that it will have the same strengths and weaknesses. Only then do I realize where we are as I follow him. It's my childhood house "This brings back so many memories, my younger brother always used to play on our dad's GameBoy in that corner and I would always catch him sneaking a midnight snack in the mudroom. But wait how does he know what my old house look like?" I continue to follow him until we go outside and to the graveyard and see he stops in front of a specific one it says;

"Here lies Zero (L/N). 1989-2006. The eldest son of (M/N) *mom's name* and (D/N) *dad's name*. Brother to (Y/N) and (S/N) *sister's name*. He died while protecting his brother and infant sister from an escaped convict.

I nearly cried when seeing this. "Hey you know what?" (Y/N) said,I look over at him, he's crying, "You remind me a lot of my brother, in every game he played his name was DarkLord, he was so kind to me and to everyone even if he didn't know them. But when he died I could've helped him but he threw me back every single time, it was only when the police came that he stopped but at that point he was already gone, just about to die. But he said one last thing and it was at me he said '(Y/N) stay powerful for me, I'll see you again, you just keep your chin up don't die, you have so much ahead of you, I need you to...' and he just died in my arms, now I know what else he wanted to say to me." but I cut him off "I need you to stay powerful, and to find love, let my death serve as a source of hope for you." I say sobbing "I can't believe I didn't notice it before but (Y/N) I am Zero, I am your brother, you've grown up so much." He looks at me with a mix of emotions in his eyes "A-are you serious is it r-really you?" He breaks down and I tell him that I need his help to stop the hate from destroying him and he agrees. "So how do we do it?" I look at him and say that I have to kill him in this plane of existence and he will be saved.

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