The reversal of fate part 2

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Your POV

I wake up in the middle of the night and I step outside onto the balcony. "It's such a beautiful night out, even the stars seem to sparkle more than normal." I look back into the room, everyone's asleep. I turn to the railing on my left and see a young girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, staring out into the sky too. "Hello?" She turns to me and smiles sadly. "What's wrong?" I ask and she shakes her head, not saying a word. "Here let me help you." I say with great care and worry in my voice. When she hears me say those words and her face lights up like she hasn't heard that spoken with care in a long time, then she quietly talks, "Thank you (Y/N)." I smile, ignoring the fact that she knows my name already. I get down on my knees and use my magic to heal her cuts and bruises. "So what's your name?" She quietly says "I don't like my name, why don't you give me a new name." I look at her sadly and think about it until I hear the clock tower on the other side of town, signaling that it's midnight.

"How about Midnight?" She looks at me with a bright smile and hugs me, "Thank you." She quickly says before disappearing. "Where did she go?" I look in every direction but there's no sign that she was even here. "Weird." I say, confused. I walk back in and lay down and quickly fell asleep.

Midnight's POV

I disappeared so that I could release my happiness for my new name. "Midnight, I love it!" I say when I reach the forest. I sit at the water's edge and watch the sparkles reflecting off the water and illuminating the surrounding darkness. "I love my new name." I lay down and fall asleep while lost in thought.

Your POV

I wake back up at 8:30 in the morning and start making dinner before my mind wanders back to last night, 'Who was that girl, she looked young so why was she out so late?' I finish the eggs and start on the bacon and pancakes. 'How did she even know my name or how to get in here?' I drop the package of bacon when my thoughts wrap my focus entirely. "Oh crap looks like I've got to get more bacon." I finish the pancakes and put them on plates and leave a note saying where I was going.

I left the house and was making my way to the store when I see the girl from last night. "Midnight there you are. You worried me when you disappeared." She looks at me surprised that I remembered her and that I was worried about her. I get to her and see that she's fine so I have her take my hand and walk with me. "So Midnight why did you disappear like that last night?" She looks down "I always disappear at Midnight and most people forget all about me when I do." I just keep walking with her and buy the bacon and take her home with me.

I open the door and Midnight goes in first. "Hey welcome home (Y/N)...who is she, she's so cute." Frisk crouched down to her level and smiled in a loving mother way, then Midnight did something unexpected, hugged Frisk and called her mom. Me and Frisk had similar reactions "What?" She looks up and realized what she just said and turns away with a red face, "Sorry I didn't mean..." Frisk cut her off "Do you think of me as your mother, if I was your mom would you be happy?" Midnight just slightly nods before we hear a knocking on the door and she runs into another room.

When I open the door I see Sans. "What do you want?" I asked a little irritated that he hasn't even apologized for smacking me and now shows up at my house. "i'm looking for a little girl, blonde hair, blue eyes, does it ring a bell?" I glare at him "So what if it does?" He looks at me surprised "i've been looking for her, she needs some help." He says in a suspicious way. "Oh with what? A dunking lesson for some stupid reason?!" He goes wide eyed. "Yeah I know exactly how you are Sans, I don't think that an innocent girl deserves to get dunked on." I slam the door in his face and lock it. I go back into the living room and see Midnight crying into Frisk's embrace, I look at her stats and she is lv 1. 'Why would he want to fight her for no reason?' I sit down next to her and rub her back "It's alright, he's not going to hurt you. He'll need to beat me and Frisk if he wants to get to you." I stand up and go outback and start training to raise my HP. 'If he is going to get to her he'll have to get to her through my dead body!' I keep my menu pulled up and spar with Shade and slowly my HP rises, then by the end of the day my HP has a max of 105. "I haven't killed a single monster and my HP is this high, get ready for a fight if you want her, Sans." I summon my weapon and cut the trees in the backyard in a single motion. I look at the menu.

LV 1

HP 105/105

ATK 1738


"Much better." I walk into the house and fall asleep on the couch, 'Midnight, you will be safe with me, I swear it.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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