Power, Determination, and the new Hybrid Soul

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Your POV 

We all came home two days ago and Lily seemed to adjust to the new surroundings quickly and Sans met her yesterday. Surprisingly he did really well with her, and she seems to love her dunkle always giggling to his jokes. *Ring Ring* "Hello (L/N) residence." I answered. "Hello Mr. (L/N) it's Mary." She responds quickly, I realize this and know that my secretary was about to use our secret code. "You have a new meeting today in half an hour." I write the meaning on a piece of paper (You, come, now, attackers, and). "Ok who is the meeting with?" I ask. "A lady by the name of Heather Shallow, she wants to discuss her company's plans for the coming months." (Woman, Hate, Soul, talk, partner, future) "Anything else to know?" "Yes her company frequently makes monsters join." (Partners, force, monster, death) "Thank you Mary I'll see you soon. Now to decode the message." 

You, come, now, attackers, and, woman, hate, soul, talk, partners, future, partners, force, monster, death. Now to add words and unscramble it.

You need to come now a woman with a hate soul wants to talk about her future. She's here with her partners. Her partners attack monsters and force their death. "A more complex one and I wouldn't have solved it so easily. Woman with a hate soul, so it's Clara. Wants to talk about her future, I don't know what that means, either way I need to go save Mary."

I go over to Frisk and say that I need to go to the meeting hall, which was the truth but I left out the part about Clara, and that she should have Toriel and Sans come over to make sure that her and Lily were safe while I was gone. She does as I say and I leave, knowing the possible danger that I would be walking into. I got within a few hundred yards of the building and looked in with my gold power I saw fifteen people; three in front of the doorway, four in the lobby, six by the elevator on the top floor, and two in the meeting hall on the top floor Clara obviously means business because only my secretary was supposed to be there today. Against my instincts I teleport up to the top floor, behind Mary, luckily Clara had her back turned towards us so I cut the rope holding Mary's hands together and teleported her, but not myself, away and called out to Clara.

"Hey you stupid bi**h if you wanted to fight me you could have just called me instead of holding my secretary against her will." Clara turned around and glared at me. I stayed calm because I knew that if I didn't she would be able to fill me with hate. She charged me but with one swift movement I dodged. "Hey if you want to fight then let's have all your goons come here first then we can all go to a more appropriate venue." She did as I suggested but kept her eyes on me. When all of her minions were here I teleported all of us to the best venue for a fight I could think of, The Judgement Hall.

After twenty minutes she's all that's left to fight. "Damn. You are even better than before, looks like I have to use my ace in the hole." I glared as I waited for an attack but instead she just snapped her fingers and then black chains flew out from the ground and went through the ceiling, as they pulled back down I saw two figures held in midair by the chains, it was Frisk and Lily. I stood there shocked and confused. "What are you doing with them, your fight is with me!" She laughed like a psychopath, "You are so stupid for loving her, you know, she has been using you, but I'm sure she didn't tell you about her power. It's called the reset and with it." I cut her off  "I know all about her power. Did you really think that I was so stupid not to look at people's souls before I even talk to them? I'm not as stupid as you think I am, I did the same thing to you before we started dating. I made sure that I knew what you could do with your soul, however I tried to help take your pain away, if you stayed a little longer none of this would have happened and I know because my soul was kept secret from everyone back in our dimension. My soul is power and with it I can mimic and amplify the abilities anyone uses, so I was able to mimic Frisk's reset ability. and now she can't use it because only one person in each generation can use it, and only the most powerful one of that generation is chosen." She stared at me in anger, "So that's how it is so if you can do that, smart guy, then what is the baby's soul trait?" I stare at her because I know she knows the answer, "You know that your soul trait doesn't appear until at least three weeks old and that baby is mine and Frisk's." She snickered and proceeded to go up to Lily, "So then you must also know that you can influence a baby's soul trait before it shows up." I go wide eyed as I now realize what she is about to do. "Clara don't take another step closer to my little Lily or you are D E A D." I say the last word slowly and very loud, and with the last word my voice began to change along with my body."

Frisk's POV

I watch in horror as Clara draws closer to my beloved little baby, then I regain my senses and hear (Y/N) "...D E A D." His body began to change form; going from a young man's body to a dragon like body, his (H/C) hair turned a silver color and grew to halfway down his back, his (S/C) skin turned bright red with black markings all over it, he grew ten times his normal size, his hands and feet turned into claws, he grew three pairs of wings from his back and horns, he no longer had eyes and instead had antennas. "CLARA YOU ARE GOING TO SUFFER A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH." He said in a demonic voice with a silvery-red smoke coming from his mouth.

Clara's POV

Yes I've pushed him to the limit, he is now under the control of his ancestor's spirit. "CLARA YOU ARE GOING TO SUFFER A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH." He said. "No I won.." I got cut off by getting slammed into one of the pillars. I look to see that he's changing again; he looks more like his human form, his eyes are back and are glowing a bright titanium white, he lost one pair of wings and shrunk back down to normal size. "You are going to be erased from every plane of existence in every dimension, in short, you will no longer exist, as a living being, as a ghost, or even as a thought." he said slowly and calmly enunciating each syllable and I stand leaning against the cracked pillar paralyzed by this fear he struck into my soul, until he hears his child crying.

Your POV

"You are going to be erased from every plane of existence in every dimension, in short, you will no longer exist, as a living being, as a ghost, or even as a thought." I say readying myself to unleash my final attack, until I hear crying. Lily crying for the first time since she was born, I knew that I needed to comfort her and against my instincts and my better judgement I change back to normal, still floating, I go over to her. "Lily I'm so sorry I-I didn't mean to make you cry baby, it's alright, it's okay." I say crying and somehow Lily notices it and stops. She reaches for my hand and I put my finger in her tiny hand, she grips onto it and smiles. I look at her and then I turn to face death with no regrets, until I feel warmth on my back, I turn back around and see soul fire around Lily. I don't know why because soul fire only appears when your soul trait is created/realized, then I think back to what my parents told me one day.


"(Y/N), you didn't have soul fire appear at the normal age of most people, your soul fire appeared when you were only a day old. After that we knew that you were special." I looked back at mom. "If I'm special, then why am I made fun of by everyone?" She looked at me with tears in her eyes, "Because, (Y/N), a lot of people are mean and they don't realize just how special anyone is."

End of Flashback

I had my soul fire show up when I was only a day old, so like me Lily must have a special soul trait. I then study the color of the fire, it's burnt orange, the color of passion. Lily's fire then moves and breaks the chains holding Frisk and her, and then wraps itself around me combining with my power to enrich my strength, changing my soul from gold to rainbow, Power to Scrappy (the will to fight), I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I turn back to Clara and get in my battle stance and open my eyes, they are no longer my normal (E/C), nor were they purple like Lily's, now they were rainbow colored and began to glow I took a step and the ground beneath me cracked. I stared right into Clara's eyes and she couldn't fill me with hate, instead I filled her with absolute terror. She began to throw everything she had at me but nothing happened, everything dealt Zero damage. A menu appeared,

(Y/N) LV 0, attack ∞, defense 0, HP ∞/∞, a god among human kind he has the soul of Power and essence of the soul of Passion allowing him to transform his soul into Scrappy. Led by an ancestor and a need to protect his family he will stop at nothing to destroy those in his way even if destroying them entails erasing their existence.

I continued to walk forward and galaxies showed up on my skin. I stopped in front of Clara, she stood with her back against the pillar. "My hatred for you from that day never went away, never faded, and now this exact day four years ago will cease to exist. Me, Frisk, Sans, Shadow and both Charas, we will be the only ones who will remember you and when we are dead then the last remnants of you will disappear forever." When I finish talking my irises begin to spin and turn completely crimson red as the rest of my eyes turn black. They spin faster and faster as Clara begins to break down into the most basic level eventually getting sucked into my eyes which have now become small black holes. When the deed is done my eyes turn back to normal and I fall to the ground, Frisk with Lily in her arms runs over to me and slowly runs her fingers through my hair and calling my name until I wake up. The first thing I do is hug them both, knowing that they are safe is my number one priority I then use most of my magic reserves to teleport us back home to a panicked Toriel and a sad Sans. As they see us we laugh lightly then I take one step and black out.

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