The Truth can hurt

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Your POV

It's been three months after Asgore used the chunk of my soul to break the barrier and I'm still living with the skelebros but they don't seem to mind especially because I give Papyrus constructive criticism on his pasta and now he works at a restaurant and is only called up when the order calls for perfectly, hand-crafted pasta. Sans, well he's taken up several jobs me and Frisk work as the monster ambassadors, I still don't have a way to get back to my dimension, but nowadays I don't really care. Oh and today is my birthday. I took off for the day not to treat myself but to go to MTT resort for one particular reason to use up just about all of my money on a single piece of jewelry.

I walk in to the resort and find the jewelers, I try to stay hidden because Frisk said that she would be helping Muffet take the rest of her family to the surface, and I don't want her to see me in a jewelry store. I began looking around and who do I find but my favorite skeleton. "Yes he can help me out" I go over to him and say, "Hey Sans I have a skeleton of cash and eye need you to find me a ring that has a teal gemstone one that glows like your left eye." He looks at me and bursts out in laughter, "holy crap man those were pretty punny, so who's it for, lemme guess..." I cut him off there and say he knows exactly who it's for. "ha good on you pal I was wondering when you two would tie the knot," he holds up a knot that isn't fully tightened, "eh eh ya get it." I facepalm and say yeah. "ha so when are you planning to ask her?" I tell him "It will be a birthday present for her, so the thirteenth, in three days, oh god now I'm even more nervous." He just looks at me and says good for you, then he finally gets the ring "that will be 900 G" I hand him the money and ask if he finished the second part of your present for her, "yeah it's right here all yours at no charge" I take the disk "Thanks again Sans you don't know how much this means if it works out you could finally be a dunkle."

Time skip 2 hours

Alright now let's listen to the song..... Yes it's perfect now to tell Frisk that I have a day planned for her birthday.

Frisk's POV

*CHIME* "Who is texting me now, oh it's (Y/N)," it says "Hey Frisk I have a day planned for your birthday so can you meet me at MTT resort this Monday at noon I think you would love it" wow it's not like (Y/N) to text someone first or to make a whole day planned out even for himself does he like me no no he doesn't like me, does he? Either way I should respond "sure (Y/N) I would love to take a day off anyway"

time skip to Noon on the thirteenth

Your POV

"Where is she, it's already 12:12, maybe she isn't coming" I start to walk away but stop when I hear Frisk's voice calling my name, "(Y/N), sorry I'm so late the traffic was terrible and Sans said he wouldn't teleport me to you." "Oh it's alright Frisk. Here you go" I hand her a bouquet of roses and she takes them. "So where to first?" she asks me. "First to Grillby's for lunch" I say with my heart going a mile a minute. "Why don't I teleport us there," and with a snap of my fingers we were at Grillby's. I take her to a table and she sits down, "I'm going to ask Grillby to play a song, why don't you make your order." I go up to Grillby and he takes the disk over to the jukebox and puts it in, it starts playing right away

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When the song ended I told Frisk that I love her, but I knew that it wouldn't be reflected if she knew the truth but she would eventually find out so I have to tell her. "Frisk there is one more thing that I have to tell you before you say anything you might want to take back, I told Sans and Papyrus this so that they knew what was going on today," I tell her my biggest setback in life and in love "Frisk I may not always act normal because, I have Asperger's syndrome." She just looks at me with tears in her eyes, and she runs out the door, leaving me at the table looking down at the food, I pay the bill, leave the food and warp home.

I get there and Sans asks how it went and then realizes it by the look on my face how it went. "man (Y/N) i'm so sorry can i get you anything" I ask him for the spare keys because I am going to leave, "yeah no problem pal, anything else," but before he finished I was already gone. I ended up at Undine's new home knocked on her door and she let me in "Hey twerp w...what's wrong, come on come inside." I thank Undine and she gets me some tea, I then ask if I could stay at her house for a few days, and she says of course.

Frisk's POV

Oh my god I can't believe myself I just ran out on him on instinct and now he's gone, he must hate me now. Wait Undine, she can find him she's a part of the police force, I need to go there but it's one day to get there on foot, I know Sans he would help me get there faster. I got to his house and rang the doorbell Papyrus answered "Hey is Sans there" "NO HE'S OUT RUNNING GROCERIES, WHY" I tell him that I need to get to Undine's house and he offers to take me in his new car. When we get there Undine answers and sees me, "What is she doing here, (Y/N) doesn't want you to hurt him like you did last time." My eyes widen knowing that he's here, "Please Undine let me see him," I start shouting past her as she blocks the way, "(Y/N) please come here I didn't mean to do that it's just that everyone before has turned me down and I ran on instinct please come here." I see (Y/N) walking toward us and pain is written all over his face. He just says to Undine that he has to go do something by Asgore's castle.

Your POV

This pain is too much, in my dimension I got brutally rejected by 6 girls and now she's done the same, I should go before HE takes control and kills her. "Hey Undine I need to go to Asgore's old castle to help some people out as a thank you." "Oh alright (Y/N) just be careful out there we both know that your soul has weakened considerably." I look at my soul again, there are large black cracks all over it.

HP 100/960

"I will, see ya soon." As I walked out the door past Frisk I could feel a pull on my soul, but not toward her but into my own soul, like as if it was imploding. "No not here, not now, why now why can't I be strong enough!" I shout as I fall to the ground crying from the pain. Then all of a sudden I am launched forward and stop in midair with BLACK wind surrounding me.

???'s POV


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