Find out Dante's true power; thus find His True Identify Part 2

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An immense feeling of heat came up from my stomach; a raging fire guiding the sword in my hand into Dante's chest. It felt great until the biggest realization came to my head.

 Oh, my Oum... I killed somebody! How can I kill somebody? How am I gonna be a huntress now? I can't get the image of his limp body out of my head! I can't!

My head felt heavy as my body feels like being turned around in circles. This can't be happening.

I heard a groan coming from Dante. My mind almost didn't register it until he moaned out in pain a few more times.  "Please be okay!" I shout getting jumping to his limp body. "You'll be fine, I swear to-"

Dante's hand shoved me backward by a few feet; laying me flat me on the ground.

When I looked up. I couldn't even move. There stood a hybrid of man and monster. Armor like scales made up its skin; with lighting coursing through its body. Wings spread, it unnaturally floated towards me.

 I saw the abomination's face. Especially when its eyes were staring into mine. Its red eyes, devil horns, and human teeth on the bottom of its jaw, with the top half looking like a Grimm's face made up an imposing figure.

 The abomination raised Dante's sword. 'Wait, is that thing Dante?' Dante raised his sword and thrust it toward me. I closed my eyes as it happened... But All I heard is a thud. Followed by some light-hearted chuckling.

When I opened my eyes, Dante was back to his human image. My mind really didn't know how to comprehend this, so all I did was just lay on the exhausted as I had a dumbfounded look on my face.

 Dante pulled his sword from the ground; which was inches away from my face. He swiped some sweat off of his forehead. "Well, I've never had that much fun in while...thanks." He stated while reaching his hand towards me.

I grabbed Dante's hand to lift myself up. But my knees gave out due to complete exhaustion. Dante caught me in his arms. "Don't say you fell for me." He uttered while chuckling at his own pun. I think I like him already.

He softly laid me down to the ground and walked towards a cowering Herald with his silver talisman making a clanging noise with each of his own steps. with one fell swoop, Dante had picked Herald up with one hand.

I couldn't make out anything they were saying, my body was getting tired, and my eyelids were getting heavy. Everything seemed to float away.


 I woke up with Herald poking me awake while looking at a scroll in his hand. "Hey, your dad... I think? is texting you up a storm." I stood up from the floor while struggling not to fall back down. I took my scroll device out of Herald's hand.

"Where does that guy live?" I said, barely mustering out a word. "Dante? He lives in his own business' building." Herald said while scratching his own head. "Wait, are you going to kill him!? I think you said you were going to kill him during the fight, right?" I nodded my head to answer his question. But just because I only want to see that guy again.

"His business is called 'Devil May Cry.'" Herald said gleefully.

"I'll pay you anything if you kill him!" I'm not a detective, but I feel like Herald doesn't like Dante.

"Why do you want him dead?" I asked Herald eyeing him suspiciously. "He always comes in here and demands me to turn down the music and he's ruining my business!" Herald said obviously infuriated. "Plus he comes in here asking where to find a necklace... A DAMN NECKLACE!" I can't help but giggle a little bit at his outburst.

 "Any reason why he might want that 'damn necklace?"' I Said mocking his outburst.

"he says the thing is family business. His parents sure did a job screwing him up."

"Well, I always like mysterious guys," I said walking out of the now abandoned club; getting on my bike.

"I thought you said you were going to kill him?" Herald questioned me.

"Oh Yeah, sure," I said, rolling my eyes when I put my helmet on.

"Since he messed with your hair, you might want some payback," Herald said, reminding what happened a little bit ago; sparking a fire deep within me. I then raced off to "Devil May Cry." 'Hopefully, this ends with a yang.' I thought to myself, smiling.


When I arrived at the place, I saw a flickering neon sign shaped in cursive, spelling out "Devil May Cry." There was also a sign saying "closed."

My scroll vibrated as I got a message from my dad. "I want you home now, missy!"

'Well, maybe another time stud.' I felt defeated as I did a u-turn and drove away from Dante's shop.

Before leaving the street and heading back home, an idea came to mind. I started to rev my bike, in tandem with going down the street while building momentum; making a u-turn still keeping my speed up; I went full throttle right towards "Devil May Cry's" main doors.

 'Oh yeah, this gonna start with a 'Yang,' that's for sure.' I thought to myself again.

 I crashed through the doors like they were like wet paper. "Dante, mama Yang is home." I dismounted my bike. "And she is ready to teach you a lesson on 'why you shouldn't ruin a girl's hair!'"

Upon hearing a door open, I turned my head in the direction of the sound. I see Dante shirtless with only pants and boots on. I feel the cheeks on my face grow a little warm when as I see his toned upper body. He doesn't even have a scar from when I impaled him last time. 

 "That bad, huh? It's in the back?" Dante said in a monotone.

"What?" I barely managed to stammer out.

"The restroom... That was the reason you knocked my doors down, right?"

 'How can he be so nonchalant!?' "Look here, I came to see who you are or cripple you! Whatever happens, is your choice!" I said getting in his face and poking his chest... His soft yet firm chest.

 "Hey, don't droll on me..." Dante giggled like an idiot, "I'm guessing you did fall for me, huh?" He walked towards a desk In the room; sitting down. "Now, you don't know who I am? I'm Dante, duh." He stated while kicking his feet up on the desk.

 "No, I mean what are you? How did you learn to fight?" I said walking up to his desk.

"Simple." He stated while holding a necklace and picture frame together; eyeing them intensely if I might add. "I don't know. So you can go now and do whatever party girls do."

 I forcefully grabbed the picture frame from his hand; because I'm getting an answer.

"Give that back, now!" Dante yelled. But I couldn't help but not giggle at his outburst.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I said, waving the picture frame in front of him like a treat for a dog.

Dante in a blink of an eye, grabbed my throat with his right hand followed by a gun to my stomach, with his other hand.

"Ever since I was young, I've had the blood of Grimm inside of me. I don't know what I am. I may never know." Dante said in a calm voice. But I know he's about to emotional crack an egg, just by how tight he's squeezing my neck.

I dropped the picture frame, along with Dante letting go of my throat. When I fell down on my hands and knees; I saw the picture frame broken, with a photo of a blonde woman In her 40's with a red jacket on. The most noticeable part is the bottom of the picture (otherwise hidden by the frame), had the name (L/n) on it.

"Dante (L/N)?" I said, gasping for air.

Dante walked closer to me, with these words coming out of his mouth: "No, it's (F/N) (L/N)...Though many people don't call me that."

"Let's rock, baby!" Male (Dante) Reader X Yang Xiao long - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now