Confess your issues with your new ally Part 4

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It was a long drive for me. Knowing what I left behind, still lingers in my mind. All of this swirls around in my head; while entering an obnoxiously bright casino with a hotel on top.

People are always good at novelties...

Apparently, "Goldilocks," says this was where she usually hides out when she's hiding from people. Want kind of people? I'm not sure, and I don't care.

I was snapped back into reality by Goldilocks herself. "Come on, let's do something before we go up!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me by it... I just really want to go back. 

Goldilocks and I stopped in front of a slot machine. The machine had a consistent theme of hearts colored in pink.

Love is always for people...

The slot machine had a big neon sign over it, with the said sign spelling out: "Lovers Quest." Goldilocks put in a coin while proclaiming: "this is my favorite one."

I rolled my eyes. Not just because of Goldilocks... I just have bad luck. I heard cheering from Goldilocks; while she put her arm around my shoulders. "It's my signature." I heard her say, while I scoffed. I saw the slot machine had three slots; two purple couple like silhouettes, holding each other. Each slot had the word "jackpot" under each silhouette. Signifying Goldilocks one the slot machine.

I just want everything back...

"Looks like we have a winner." Said a staff member of the casino. She wore a purple short skirt and a purple dress shirt, while also wearing a fake smile to boot.

I just want to go back...

"You've won the couple's retreat suite." She said while looking like a bad actor; seeming even more awkward with that forced grin. People are always good at lying...

Goldilocks dragged me into our room, all while bragging about herself. People always and only care about themselves...

"Well 'Mr. Dante,' what shall we do?" Goldilocks spoke in a tone of voice; mocking the staff member from the slot machine earlier. "Looks like we have a winner." She slowly inched closer to me, with a smile that looked genuine. "Or was it 'Mr (Y/N) (L/N)?' Was that name from a stolen ID?" She said laughing at her own joke. People always think they're so funny...

I turned my back to her and looked out the window of the hotel room. The sun was setting again; so I could see all the lights. It was a high view; you could see everything. Everything that people do...

I saw a fire... coming from my SHOP! Herald is dead starting tonight. I turned around and started walking to the door. I was stopped by her... Goldilocks! Why do people always get in my way!?

"Where are you going?" She said putting her arm up, blocking my way. "Herald's funeral," I said, trying to seem calm. "Funny, but not yet," Yang said, now pushing me back with both of her arms. "We need to rest, okay; Don't you have somebody in your life to go back to?" Why do people have to bring them up?

I pushed Goldilocks out of the way. Grabbing my weapons; I was about to leave the room. "What's your real name?" She said. "I'm not really sure myself," I responded with. Should I tell her?

People never listen... But she might listen, at least.

"My father gave me and my brother names, Dante and Vergil. But when my father disappeared, along with Vergil running away some time after. My mother gave me a human name to fit in with people. '(Y/N)...' The very few things I have left of her. Of my family!" My voice cracked a little while my sword landing on the ground. I sat back down on the only bed inside the hotel room.

Why do people have to leave?

"Those two amulets that Herald had from earlier, were from my mother... Before she passed away." Goldilocks approached me in a very cautious manner. "One for me, and the other for Vergil," I said, not trying to let one tear slip by.

I hate people so much...

Goldilocks sat down beside me and put her arm around my shoulder in a very comforting fashion. "My name is Yang. Now let's get some rest." She said while passionately hugging my torso to keep me on the bed. "There will enough time for revenge, later." I see her smirking.

I can't help but smile a little bit.

I like her already...

"Let's rock, baby!" Male (Dante) Reader X Yang Xiao long - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now